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Katsuki walks through the halls of school, it's the day after their winter break ended. The interaction with the greenette after New Year's left him confused, he didn't know why Izuku liked Kirishima but it was the same with the greenette. Izuku didn't know why Katsuki liked Shinsou, he never knew that they interacted.

Katsuki opens the classroom doors and spots Izuku talking with Uraraka and Iida, his smile is wide as he speaks to them. The blonde walks over to his desk and sits down, Izuku decides to be brave. "Good morning Kacchan," the greenette says as the blonde turns around.

"Mornin'" Katsuki says as he turns back around. Izuku's eyes go wide as he turns back to Uraraka and Iida, Izuku smiles really wide as the feeling of accomplishment overwhelmed him. Kirishima then enters the classroom with Mina and Kaminari behind him, he spots Katsuki and turns to the two behind him.

"Mission is a go," he whispers as the two nod in return. Kirishima walks up to the blonde as the other two go over to Jirou who they need in the plan, "Hey Bakubro!"

"Shitty hair," Katsuki bluntly says as the redhead sits on the blonde's desk. "Get off my desk."

"I was thinking that we could hang out either after school today or tomorrow after school, we never get to hang out much since you keep saying no. So... please!" Kirishima begs as he sees Katsuki eying the greenette. "If you want you can invite others, it doesn't have to be just you and me."

Take the bait! Kirishima says in his head as Katsuki's eyes stayed on Izuku, he then saw Uraraka and Iida. He groaned, "No, didn't we go skating after New Year's and I don't want to hang out with other pe-" the blonde didn't finish his denial.

"Why not? It'll be fun, can we come?" Uraraka asks Kirishima who jumps at the girl's sudden appearance. 

Kirishima looks at the blonde who groans but shrugs, "Sure! The more the better, I'll bring Mina, Kamibro, and Serobro," the redhead says with a big shark tooth smile.

"Yay! This'll be exciting, right Deku," Uraraka turns to the greenette.

"For sure," he says with a smile.

Kirishima then stops to talk to Iida, "Did you tell her?" he asks.

"Yes, she's my girlfriend and it's hard to hide things from her when she loves gossip. Plus, she gets Midoriya to go along with things easily," Iida says as Kirishima nods.

"I think that was a good call," Kirishima says before walking over to the Bakusquad - excluding Bakugou - to share the good news. The bell then rings and everyone goes to their seats before the yellow caterpillar enters the room, aka Mr. Aizawa.


After school the two groups meet up at the front gate. The Bakusquad: Katsuki, Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Jirou. The Dekusquad: Izuku, Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, and Tokoyami. They leave for the mall together, Kirishima then leaned over to Kaminari. "Text him, bro," he says as the blonde nods.

Denks💛: Babe we've left the school and everythings a go

Hitoshi💜: Ok, I'm almost at the mall

Denks💛: See you then!

Hitoshi💜: We're still going to the cat cafe tho, right?

Denks💛: Yes, once we get there and break off we'll go to the cat cafe

Hitoshi💜: Then I'm excited

Denks💛: That's a first

Hitoshi💜: Shut it

Denks💛: 😝❤️

Kaminari chuckles at his phone and leans over to Kirishima, "He's almost there."

"Great, this is going better than planned," Kirishima says and the blonde nods in agreement. They arrive at the mall, Katsuki's and Izuku's eyes quickly land on the purpled haired male in front of them.

"Babe!" Kaminari shouts as he runs and hugs Shinsou. Katsuki's and Izuku's eyes wide, Katsuki gets nervous as he feels Izuku sympathetic eyes on him. The two then leave, Kirishima then chuckles.

"Well, those two are off. I guess it's just us now," he says as the groups moves on. They then split up and Katsuki is stuck with Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Jirou. Deku is stuck with Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, and Tokoyami. Both groups look around at many different stores, they then find each other halfway.

They all break into small chit-chat and Katsuki drags Izuku away as they were distracted, "What's up Kacchan?" the greenettes asks.

"Well... we have two major issues," the blonde says.

"And those issues are?" Izuku asks, he forgot about what happened with Shinsou earlier.

"Dunce face and Shinsou are together then shitty hair and raccoon eyes are together," Katsuki tells Izuku.

"Kirishima and Mina are together?" the greenette asks to make sure what he heard was right.

"Yep, they were holding hand and practically flirting with each other," Katsuki says in disgust.

"I guess... we can't always get what we want," Izuku says with a sad smile and tone. Katsuki just nods, he then spots a boba cafe. He looks at the upset greenette then at the cafe, he grabs the greenette's hand and drags him to the cafe. "Kacchan?!"

"We're getting boba as a way to get over our crushes!" Katsuki shouts before entering the cafe. He drags the greenette to the counter, "Pick something, I'm paying." Katsuki takes out his wallet as the greenette looks at the menu, "I'm getting coffee milk tea."

"I think I'll get honeydew milk tea," Izuku says as they order. Katsuki pays and Izuku takes out his wallet, he wants to pay the blonde back.

"No, don't pay me back," Katsuki says as Izuku looks at his wallet then at the blonde.

"But-" Izuku starts to say.

"No buts, I paid and that's that," Katsuki says and Izuku nods while he puts his wallet away. They get their drinks and find a table, they sit down and enjoy their drinks in silence for a while. "Well, what now... the people we liked now have partners."

"Um... I don't know, I probably have feelings for someone else though," Izuku blurts out without thinking.

"Oh, who?" Katsuki asks which gets Izuku's attention to what he said.

"Oh... uh... um-" Izuku stutters as his face goes red.

"Come on, don't lie to me nerd," Katsuki says while taking a sip from his drink.

"It's... it's um, you."


"Hey, where did Bakugou and Midoriya go?" Jirou asks while noticing the missing presences.

"Oh shit, where are they?" Sero asks looking around. They then look inside stores and further down the mall, Uraraka then spots them. She smiles when she sees them sitting down in a cafe together, she then walks away.

"They're probably fine on their own," she says as she runs up behind Iida.

Half-edited, sorry for mistakes.

Word count: 1119

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