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The end of the first year is getting closer and closer to the students in class 1-A, many are excited for what the second year has in store for them. Many also want a last day to remember, so they're planning a dorm party. They also made it clear that no alcohol will be allowed, they even went as far as to make sure Aizawa is there.

Izuku helps set up food and drinks with Katsuki, no one knows that they're dating but many know that they're closer. They just think they're friends again and many are pleased with that, even Izuku is pleased with people thinking that.

After setting up everything the party was ready, Aizawa chilled in the corner of the room while watching. Everyone is just chatting and just going over memories of their eventful first year, Izuku is enjoying the memories they're sharing.

Mina then jumps up and yells out, "Let's play truth or dare!"

"Seriously Mina?" Sero asks and mostly everyone laughs.

"Come on, we need to have fun," she says and they all agree. They sit down in a circle, since Mina's the one that suggested the game she's going first. "Ok... Tsu! Truth or dare..." she starts the game.

It goes on for a while, then... "Midoriya, truth or dare," Kaminari says and the greenette perks up.

"Oh... uh, truth," he says and Kaminari smirks.

"Are you and Bakugou a thing?" he asks and mostly everyone gasps.

"Oh..." Izuku says as he stares at Katsuki. The blonde shrugs and Izuku stands up, he walks over to Katsuki and sits on his lap. "Yep! Have been for a while."

"WHAT!" Kaminari shouts.

"Why are you shouting dumbass, you're the one that asked the damn question," Katsuki said. Everyone starts laughing and they carry on with the game, many laughs and awkward moments were shared.

"I know!" Uraraka shouts as she stands up. She runs over to the sleeping teacher in a sleeping bag, she shoves him awake. "Aizawa truth or dare?" she asks him.

"Ugh... truth," he says as he sits up.

"Do you have a significant other and who is it?" she asks and gasps fill the room. No one thought to ask their teacher about something like that, yet Uraraka likes gossip.

"Jeez, I never catch a break. Yes, I'm married to someone," Aizawa says as he looks at Izuku sitting in Katsuki's lap.

"Really? Who?!" Hagakure asks since she's now interested.

"Pres," Aizawa simply states. No caught onto who he meant, except Mina.

"No way! You're married to Present Mic!" Mina shouts as Aizawa nods.

"Woah! That's an unexpected turn of events," Kirishima states as everyone nods.

"Good for you two!" Izuku says as everyone starts shouting the same. Everyone soon broke off into several miny conversations, it seems they all forgot about the game. Except for a few, they quickly turn to a ravenette.

"Sero! Truth or dare!" Kirishima shouts which caught everyone's attention.

"Huh? Oh... uh, dare I guess," Sero says and the redhead smirks which made Sero instantly regret his decision.

"I dare you to finally confess your feelings to the person you like, I'm sick and tired of hearing your ongoing love towards them," Kirishima says as Kaminari nods in agreement.

"Just do it, dude," Kaminari says as he shoves the ravenette off the couch.

"Fine..." Sero says as he walks over to the couch Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Tsu are on. He nervously plays with his thumbs as he looks at the dual-haired boy, "Todoroki, I like you," everyone gasps.

"Me?" Todoroki questions as he points to himself.

"Yep," Sero scratches the back of his head.

"Why me? I know nothing about relationships, I even told you the things I said and did to Midoriya," Todoroki says since most of the class knows what Todoroki did. They lectured him for hours about what he did wrong, Sero was there too.

"But didn't I say I would help you? This... is sorta what I meant, I like you so I wanna help you get into a relationship you can be yourself in and you can learn in too," Sero says as Todoroki remains quiet. "So... um w-"

"I'll go out with you Sero," Todoroki says while showing the ravenette a soft smile.

"Really?" Sero asks since he couldn't believe what he's hearing.

"Yes," Todoroki responds.

"I can't believe it, he said yes!" Sero shouts as he turns to Kirishima and Kaminari.

"Of course he did!" they both shout back at him. The game went on a little longer after that and halfway through it Izuku and Katsuki escape, Katsuki takes the greenette to his room. Izuku runs into the blonde's room first and takes his shoes off, he then runs and jumps onto the bed.

Katsuki slowly follows behind, he chuckles when he watches Izuku jump on the bed. He walks over and as Izuku turns over the blonde lays on the greenette, Izuku laughs a bit. "Are you tired Kacchan?" Izuku asks as his fingers comb through Katsuki's spiky blonde hair.

"Yeah, too much people interaction," Katsuki bluntly states.

Izuku chuckles, "Well, now you can relax."

"Yes, on your lap," Katsuki says and Izuku gets up. He sits with his legs extended and Katsuki quickly lays his head on the greenette's thighs, "Yep, this is all that I need in life." They stay like that for a while, until Izuku hears snores coming from the blonde, he looks down and smiles when he sees his sleeping boyfriend.

"Good night, Kacchan," Izuku says as he moves Katsuki's head to a pillow. He then throws a blanket over top of himself and Katsuki, he soon cuddles into the blonde. He kisses the blonde and soon fell asleep too, both boys were smiling in their sleep.

I once again didn't know how to end the story just like the first one, I hope this isn't super bad... Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 994

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