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"Me and Todoroki?" Izuku asks in shock at the sudden question. Katsuki groans and walks further into his room, Izuku then takes off his shoes and follows his blonde boyfriend. Katsuki sits on his bed and the greenette sits next to him, Izuku just played with his thumbs since he was nervous.

"Yes, you and that bastard. You suddenly start walking to school together and back to the dorms, what's with that shit? Are you just planning to use me as a joke while you and half and half skip happily into the fucking sunset?" he asks while raising his voice.

Izuku's eyes widen and he panics, "No, no, no! That's not what's happening at all! After the skating incident, he started avoiding me so I thought he was feeling bad for the way he was acting, so I spoke to him. We worked things out and now we're friends again, we were just catching up since we haven't talked in a month. I promise you Kacchan, nothing is going on between us!"

"Are you sure?" Katsuki asks hesitantly.

"Yes, I'm sure," the greenette says and Katsuki then brings Izuku into a hug.

"I'm sorry, my jealousy got the better of me," the blonde boy says and Izuku smiles a bit.

"It's ok, Kacchan," Izuku says as the blonde lets go of the hug. Katsuki then pushes Izuku down onto the bed, he then connects their lips again. The blonde deepens the kiss, Izuku's hands made their way to the blonde's spiky hair which was surprisingly soft.

Katsuki then bit Izuku's bottom lip, the greenette gasps which Katsuki takes as an opportunity to enter his tongue. Izuku's head feels foggy as Katsuki's tongue dance around in his mouth, he feels the heavenly bliss overwhelm his body. Izuku moans in the kiss and Katsuki feels the satisfaction flow through him by the noise, he smirks in the kiss.

His hands then went under the greenette's shirt, slowly moving up. Izuku shivers as he feels Katsuki's warm hands travel up his abdomen, the greenette moans once again. Katsuki then moves his hands further up, he feels every bump of muscle on the greenette's body. Once at Izuku's chest he slowly massages one peck, it makes the greenette moan again.

Katsuki continues the motion until he pulls away from the kiss, he pinches the greenette's nipple as he sucks on the other one. Izuku's moans became music to Katsuki's ears, he wants to hear more. He pulls away and removes Izuku's shirt, he then goes to remove his own.

Once doing so he looks back at the greenette under him, he's looking away while covering his mouth. Katsuki then gently combs through Izuku's hair, which makes the greenette's glossy emerald-green eyes look into the blonde's ruby-red ones. "Are you alright, Izu?" Katsuki asks and Izuku looks away again.

"I'm just not sure if I'm ready to go this far yet..." Izuku shyly states. 

Katsuki then smiles at the greenette as he pulls him up into a hug, "Then I'll wait, I'll wait for however long you need," Katsuki says as Izuku smiles.

"Thanks, Kacchan," Izuku says as he gently kisses Katsuki's cheek. He then trailed down to his neck, the blonde chuckles.

"You say you're not ready and yet here you are doing actions like this," Katsuki says as he pushes the greenette away.

"Just because I don't wanna go that far doesn't mean we can't do anything, right?" Izuku says which makes the blonde groan.

"Your too cute to deny," Katsuki says as he attacks the greenette's neck. Izuku laughs as Katsuki kisses along Izuku's neck, he then bites which made Izuku moan a bit. Katsuki continues to give Izuku love bites all over his exposed body, Katsuki became amused with all the sounds he's getting from the greenette.


Izuku wakes up and smiles at the arms around him, he turns around in the arms and stares at his sleeping boyfriend. He gently kisses the blonde's lip, ruby-red eyes soon met Izuku's emerald-green eyes. "That was nice to wake up to, I could get used to that," Katsuki says as Izuku chuckles.

The greenette chuckles, "Then I'll do it more," Izuku says as Katsuki lifts the greenette and lays him on top of his chest. "Good morning, Kacchan!" Izuku shows the blonde a wide smile.

"Morning, Izu," Katsuki says as he kisses the greenette. Izuku happily kisses back as the blonde deepens the kisses, but Izuku soon separates.

"We need to get ready for school," Izuku says as he tries to get up but the blonde holds him down.

"We need to get ready for school," Katsuki says in a mocking voice.

"Very funny, Kacchan. I'm serious though," Izuku says as he tries to get up again.

"Fine," Katsuki says as he releases the greenette. Izuku gets up and off the bed then walks into Katsuki's bathroom, the blonde boy also gets up and follows Izuku to the bathroom. He watches the greenette go to the mirror, he gasps and turns to Katsuki in the doorframe.

"Kacchan! There are so many! It's going to be so hard to hide this and we have to change into our hero outfits today!" Izuku shouts at the blonde.

"Ah, come on~ you like it," Katsuki says as he kisses Izuku's neck.

Izuku quickly shoves him away, "No more!" Izuku says as the blonde pouts. They then get ready for school, Izuku met up with Todoroki to walk to school as Katsuki walked with the Bakusquad. But before they left they agreed to have a secret date after school, both of them were looking forward to it.

When having to change for hero training, Izuku made the excuse of having to use the bathroom. He stayed there a while to make sure no one would be in the changing room when he was changing, then when he got there no one was there. He quickly undresses and grabs his hero outfit but before he could put it on he heard footsteps, he panics.

"It's just me, Izu," Katsuki says as he walks into the changing room. "I knew you would be here since you want to avoid people seeing my markings." Katsuki drags his finger along Izuku's back, he's following the markings along the greenette's freckled back.

"I'm going to be late thanks to you," Izuku says as Katsuki laughs.

"Chill out, you can be late once in a while... it won't kill you," Katsuki says and Izuku had to agree. He gets changed and follows the blonde to the training grounds, that's where they went different ways. Yet, Izuku could feel Katsuki's eyes on him.

Izuku knew that this is going to be a common issue, he knows that Katsuki isn't going to stop no matter how many times he asks. But Izuku is excited for his future relationship with the blonde, he couldn't wait for what was in store for him.


Word count: 1162

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