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Katsuki enters his room and heaves a sigh as he walks over to his bed, "That damn half and half bastard, what the hell was going through his head to make the nerd drunk?" The blonde boy falls on his bed and lays there in silence for a while, he then determined he was tired and wanted to go to bed.

He got in PJ's and did his nightly routine, he then goes back to his bed but non-stop knocking came to his door. His first thought, "Shitty hair! I swear I'm going to-" He paused once he opened the door, "Deku, what the fuck are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in bed!"

"I'm having a sleepover with Kacchan!" the greenette shouts as he ducks under Katsuki's arm and enters the room. Katsuki quickly shuts the door and groans, he follows the stumbling greenette in the room.

"You won't go to sleep until you get your way... right?" Katsuki asks since he knew that Izuku is stubborn, even more when drunk.

"Yes," Izuku's answer sounds like a punch as he sits on the blonde's bed. Katsuki groans as he moves around the greenette, he is too tired to do anything. Katsuki lays in his bed, the greenette quickly becomes confused. "Where's my futon Kacchan?"

"I don't have one in here," Katsuki bluntly answers.

"Then where do I sleep?" Izuku asks as the blonde starts getting annoyed. Katsuki reaches out and grabs Izuku, he pulls the greenette into bed. Izuku lays there in shock for a minute, he quickly relaxes though.

"Deal with this, you wanna be here so deal with it," Katsuki almost whispers from how tried he is.

"This is more than I thought you would do for me," Izuku says as he smiles. Is he sobering up a bit? He sounded almost... normal, Katsuki thought to himself before he closes his eyes and falls asleep. But he quickly woke back up, Izuku woke him up with an action.

Izuku's lips met the blonde's, Katsuki's ruby eyes open and stay wide open until the greenette pulls way. Izuku then smiles, "A goodnight kiss for my juicy chicken wing," he says before turning away from the blonde. Nope... still drunk.


The next morning Izuku is the first to wake up, all due to his splinting headache. He groans a bit as he opens his eyes to the sun coming through the blinds, he then looks around the room. "...This isn't my room," he says as he tries to get up.

He looks down and he has arms around him... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED YESTERDAY?! Izuku almost starts panicking, that was until he looked at who it was. "Oh... it's just Kacchan," he sighs in relief. But slowly looks back, "KACCHAN!"

"Would you shut up... it's too early for that shit," Katsuki says in a gravely morning voice as he pulls the greenette closer without thinking. Izuku quickly looks around for his phone, it isn't there so he grabs the blonde's.

"Uh... it's 11 almost 12, Kacchan," Izuku says as he tries to push the blonde away from him.

"Shit, better get up," Katsuki says as he lets go of the greenette. He gets out of the bed and walks to the bathroom to do whatever he needs to do.

"Kacchan can you get me a Tylenol while your in there?" Izuku asks as he stretches.

"Yea, whatever," the blonde says through the door. Izuku continues to stretch until Katsuki comes out of the bathroom, the blonde gives Izuku the pill. As Izuku goes to the bathroom the two made eye contact, Katsuki quickly recalls last night while Izuku just realizes how casually he was talking to the blonde.

"Sorry Kacchan!" Izuku quickly apologizes.

Katsuki quickly covers his slightly red face before he responds, "Yeah just take the pill and get out."

"R-right!" Izuku quickly goes to the bathroom and takes the pill. He then gets ready to leave, he notices he has no shoes at Katsuki's dorm.

"Don't get caught leaving my dorm," Katsuki says as Izuku nods and leaves. No one is in the hall so Izuku runs to the elevator, he gets on the elevator and hits the button for his floor. He the runs to his room, luckily it's unlocked.

"I still don't understand why I was in Kacchan's room... also his ears were really red when we made eye contact," Izuku analyses once he shuts his door. Izuku then gets his water bottle and drinks some water as he sits on his bed, he tries to remember last night.

He remembers sitting down and chatting with Todoroki and Iida about their breaks, he remembers watching the Japan New Year's special. He remembers getting loopy and acting weirdly... I was drunk! My drink was spiked, how? Who?

"It wouldn't be Kacchan right?" Izuku thought aloud as he tries to think about the night more. As he does so more and more becomes unclouded, he remembers getting pulled over by Katsuki. He doesn't really remember the conversation, he does remember a bit of the countdown. Then he remembers a bit of the conversation Katsuki had with Aizawa.

"Oh... why would Kacchan suggest that though?" Izuku questions as he thought more. He remembers Kacchan taking him to his room and telling him there wasn't a sleepover. He remembers that he went to Kacchan's room, lastly he remembers the kiss.

"NO!!! WHY'D I KISS HIM!!! WHY DO I DO THAT WHEN I'M DRUNK!!!" Izuku shouts into his pillow as he rolls around on his bed. It's no wonder Kacchan's ears were red... but still, who spiked my drink?

Izuku decides to take a shower and get ready for his day while he tries to answer that question himself. He then goes downstairs and gets breakfast while chatting with his friends, after he decides to talk to Katsuki.

He knows the blonde will have his answer, it just might not be easy to get. He goes to Katsuki's floor and to the blonde's dorm, he knocks on the door. Katsuki aggressively opens the door, "What do you want nerd?" he asks as Izuku's face goes a bit red.

"W-well, do you know who spiked my drinks last night?" Izuku asks as Katsuki quickly notices the red face.

"I take it your memory has come back," Katsuki says as he leans against the door.

"Um, well I can't remember who it was or even if I knew who it was," Izuku says as he looks down.

"It was half 'n half," Katsuki answers before going in his room but before he could shut the door Izuku stops him.

"Todoroki?" Izuku asks to be sure.

"Yes, that's what I fucking said," Katsuki says and Izuku could tell he's getting irritated.

"Um..." Izuku pauses as Katsuki glares at him.

"Spit it out nerd!" Katsuki snaps.

"I think we should talk about last night and... um Todoroki," Izuku says a bit quietly. Katsuki glares at the greenette for a good minute, he then sighs and opens the door wider.


Half-edited, sorry for mistakes.

Word count: 1185

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