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After the one long and awkward night at the Bakugou's house, Izuku went home. Throughout that whole night, neither Katsuki nor the greenette said anything, the blonde just scrolled through his phone and played games every once and while. Izuku, on the other hand, watched YouTube (mostly hero stuff) and exchanged messages with Uraraka.

Once Izuku got home he had a great time with his mother, Christmas was fun for the greenette too. It then came to the week that he planned on going back to UA, he said goodbye to his mom when she dropped him off. He goes inside and pauses, there on the couch was Todoroki.

Izuku stills feels awkward around the dual-haired boy, it's because he keeps trying to touch Izuku. Not in a pervy way, it's just he always tries to have a hand on the greenette's shoulder or when battling he would always move Izuku around. Izuku wouldn't have a problem talking with Todoroki if it wasn't for how touchy he suddenly became, "Need a hand Midoriya?" Todoroki asks which scares the greenette who was too in thought to notice that the dual-haired boy walked up to him.

Todoroki goes to grab the bag as he does so he touches the greenette's hand, Izuku quickly pulled his bag and hand away. "A-ah o-oh, n-no thank you. I'll be alright on my own, thanks anyway," Izuku says as he quickly goes to the elevator. What the greenette didn't know was that there was a witness to that small exchange, Katsuki.

He walked in right when Todoroki walked up to Izuku, he saw and heard exactly what happened. He knew the two were pretty decent friends but ever since Todoroki confessed his feelings to Izuku, the blonde has noticed the difference between the two. He's the only one that knows other than the two themselves... he sees practically everything. Todoroki has been getting very touchy with the greenette, whereas Izuku has been avoiding and being very awkward with the dual-haired boy. 

Katsuki knew that Todoroki was trying any possible way to get with the greenette, at first Katsuki didn't care. But now it's starting to annoy him, Todoroki is just so pushy and Izuku just doesn't say anything about it. He wants to interfere but he claimed that he didn't hear them so... plus he just doesn't want to help Todoroki and Izuku.


After two days the New Year's party came, Izuku helps some of the teachers set up. He's really excited, it's his first New Year's surrounded by his classmates. He lays out the drinks and smiles knowing that this time the drinks won't be spiked, the teachers are there after all.

Everyone then gathers in the common area once everything was in order, on the TV was a New Year's special that featured heroes with their New Year promises, performances from pop stars, and actors and actresses with speeches. Izuku happily watches it with Todoroki and Iida, he had a cup of pop with him that he took sips of.

Katsuki and his group of friends were on a different couch than Izuku, Katsuki kept an eye on Todoroki for some reason. He notices Todoroki glancing at Izuku every now and then, it continues throughout the whole party. Why the hell am I worried for that damn nerd? It's his funeral for not sticking up for himself more, Katsuki says in his head.

Katsuki was right to worry about the little greenette, what both the greenette and the blonde didn't know was that Todoroki had small travel-size bottles of alcohol in his pockets. He took them from the alcohol cabinet at his house, when Izuku would leave Todoroki kept grabbing Izuku pop and pouring the bottles in it. Somehow Katsuki didn't catch him in the act but he did notice that the greenette started acting strange, so did Todoroki.

Izuku kept staring at Katsuki and Todoroki kept pulling the greenette closer, Iida was too busy paying attention to the TV to notice Todoroki's behaviour. Izuku stands up and stumbles a bit before attempting to walk to the bathroom, Katsuki stands up and follows the greenette. Todoroki then quickly follows after the blonde, Katsuki stops Izuku halfway to the bathroom and pulls him to the side.

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