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Once Uraraka, Todoroki and Iida left Izuku's room, Izuku grabs a blank notebook and a pen. He looks on many websites and videos while writing in his notebook, he wrote important information related to the situation last night.

He spent hours researching, he did take a break to get food but he went straight back to research after. When he did leave he had an odd interaction with Kirishima, Izuku didn't know that the whole Bakusquad also knew about last night. "Hey, Midoriya!" Kirishima yelled out to Izuku.

"Hi, Kirishima. What's up?" Izuku asked Kirishima while grabbing a bag of chips.

"What did you think of Bakugou after last night?" Kirishima asked which made Izuku's eyes widen.

"W-what a-are you talking a-about?" Izuku asked grabbing a pop from the fridge.

"Oh, I guess Uraraka and Todoroki didn't tell you that Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and I know about your night with Bakugou too," Kirishima said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, they didn't tell me, but you asked what I think of Bakugou after, right?" Izuku asked finally looking at Kirishima.

"That's right, but if you don't want to say that's fine," Kirishima said getting a little closer to Izuku.

"Well, I guess I think of him the same. But I do get a bit embarrassed around him," Izuku told Kirishima, before walking back to the elevator. "Sorry, but that's all I'm going to say on the matter. See you later Kirishima."

"Ok, see ya Midoriya," Kirishima said before Izuku went upstairs.

Izuku didn't know why that interaction came to his head suddenly, but he ignored it thinking it was just Kirishima's curiosity. Time passes and soon it was dinner time, Izuku finally completed his research. He leans back in the chair, he looks at the many pages he filled in the new notebook.

(Note: The incoming information is not based on real research, it's kind of made up but maybe real. I don't know, it's just what my head created.)

He begins to read through them, drunk behaviour changes from person to person. The most common behaviours are happy drunks, romantic drunks, sad drunks, angry drunks, mischievous drunks, horny drunks, annoying drunks, flirty drunks, and overly-excited drunks. I learned from what Uraraka, Todoroki, and Iida told me that I am a romantic drunk, I can get easily persuaded by anyone I find attractive. Last was Kacchan.

But it also depends on your mood before getting drunk, if you're sad you'll most likely be a sad drunk. If you're angry you'll most likely be an angry drunk, it's easy. But the ones that never make much sense are romantic drunks, mischievous drunks, and overly-excited drunks.

Mischievous drunks are thought to be that way due to the person's inner emotions or they could just have a mischievous side to them. Overly-excited drunks are thought to just have too much energy built inside of them or they just had this emotion hidden. Now, romantic drunks are either very flirty people or are people with a secret crush on someone without knowing about it themselves or actually knowing it.

I can't understand if I have hidden feelings for Kacchan or if I'm just somehow flirty. But according to what Uraraka told me I was only gawing at Kacchan, no one else caught my eye. This is too confusing, maybe when I see Kacchan I can understand my feelings. I also just want to remember last night, I hope it comes to me tomorrow.

Izuku puts away the notebook and gets up from his desk, he stretches his body a bit since he was sitting for a while. He leaves his room and goes downstairs to start making himself dinner, Uraraka walks up to him once he leaves the elevator. "Hey, Deku. How did the research go?" She asks him as she walks with him to the kitchen.

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