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The blonde boy with ruby eyes slowly wakes up, he stretches and finds that he seems heavier than normal. He then looks around the slightly lit room, "This isn't my room," he says in a calm voice. He then looks down and sees a lump where his chest is, he lifts the blanket. He then smiles, "Izu... Izu wake up."

The blonde pokes the greenette's cheek, Izuku groans while opening his emerald eyes. "Morning Kacchan," he says with a wide smile.

"Morning Izu," Katsuki says while playing with the greenette's bedhead. Izuku wraps his arms around Katsuki while trying to fully wake up, Katsuki also wraps his arms around Izuku. They stay like that for a while, until Izuku fully wakes up and realizes.

"You're calling me Izu!" Izuku says in shock as he pushes himself up and off of Katsuki.

"Yeah, is that a problem? You call me Kacchan," Katsuki says as sits up.

"Well, yeah... no but, just..." Izuku trails off as he thinks.

"Just what?" Katsuki sits behind Izuku and puts his legs around the greenette. He then wraps his arms around Izuku's waist and rests his head on his shoulder, Izuku can feel the blonde's warm breath on his neck.

"I guess it's alright," Izuku says and Katsuki smirks.

"Of course it is," Katsuki says as he releases the greenette and gets off the bed. Izuku's alarm then went off, Izuku then stands up too. "I should head back to my room."

"Yeah... oh! Should we tell everyone... or stay quiet?" Izuku asks as he walks over to the blonde who's at the greenette's dorm door.

"That's up to you," Katsuki says as he ties up his shoes.

"Um... then can we stay quiet for a while?" Izuku still asks.

"Sure, whenever you're comfortable just say so," Katsuki says as he pushes Izuku's hair back. Katsuki then kisses the greenette's forehead, he then smirks at Izuku's reaction. "I'll see you at school."

Katsuki then left and Izuku quickly sits on the ground while touching his forehead, "He's being so... gentle... and... nice. Is he sick?" Izuku asks himself. He then stands up and gets ready for school, he walks with Uraraka, Iida, and... Todoroki.

Todoroki has been keeping his distance from Izuku since the skating incident, the greenette thinks Todoroki feels bad. But whenever Izuku at least tries to speak to him he just finds something to avoid him with, like the bathroom or suddenly hearing his name being called.

Uraraka and Iida happily hold hands and start walking ahead while chatting, Izuku and Todoroki were left together. "Todoroki can we please talk? You've been avoiding me," Izuku says as they walk. Todoroki tries to run off but Izuku grabs his arm, Todoroki finally stops fighting back and walks with the greenette.

"Right... sorry," he says as he hangs his head.

"Well, I'm sure you know I was uncomfortable with how touchy and pushy you were being towards me. Even though I rejected you, you continued to try. I firmly believe you were in the wrong there, however, I don't want to lose you as a friend. So, if we could make up... it'd be great," Izuku says as they continue to walk.

"Yes, I was in the wrong. I'm sorry for everything I did, I was just desperate. You were the first person I had a crush on so... I didn't quite know how to take rejection. I would really like to continue being friends with you," Todoroki says and Izuku smiles at him.

"I'm happy," Izuku says as he pats Todoroki's shoulder.

"Same, oh and you like Bakugou right?" Todoroki bluntly asks making the greenette choke on his saliva.

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