The Yule Ball

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The corkboard that was pinned up onto my wall was now covered in pictures of Laura, Kelly, Hermione and I. They were sprinkled with the glimpse of Fred and George, and sometimes Ginny who had hung out with us two or three times since Hermione joined us. We had been using that camera all the time, catching moving memories with its lenses.

We had the camera out again, snapping pictures of us getting ready for the Ball, pinning up our hair and putting makeup all over our faces. I decided to give Laura, Kelly and Hermione their present's early, thinking that they could use them tonight instead of opening them tomorrow morning.

"Honestly, Ace, this makeup is awesome. Now I don't have to worry about have the right colours to match my dress, because this matches EVERYTHING!!" Laura was placing sparkles all around her eyes and up her cheek bones, glowing with excitement.

Snap, Kelly takes a picture.

"Yeah, really Ace. This perfume is bloody brilliant!" Kelly chimed in, taking a picture with her perfume bottle. She was addicted to that thing. ALSO, it turns out that the scents start their cycle over again after about an hour and it didn't wear off until you took a shower. Convenient.

Hermione had put her sweater on a hanger and hung it up in her room, but we took a picture of her in it before she could put it away. "I love my sweater. I'm going to wear it tomorrow" she said and pinned up a piece of non-frizzy, loosely curled hair. A few pieces were hanging around her face but the rest was pinned at the back of her head.

By the time we are all finished getting ready, we were a pretty spiffy looking group. Laura's hair was pin straight and a few pieces were pulled back and underneath. Her makeup was all sparkles and shine that attracted attention every time she caught the light. She slipped on a pair of black stilettos and slicked on a gold lipstick.

Kelly, for once, was wearing contacts and her yellow eyes were glowing with excitement. She let her crazy, red, curly hair out and let it do whatever it wanted, but just slicked in de-frizzing potion. Her silver shoes were only an inch or so high and her lips were a bright, wild red.

Hermione had slipped on some dark purple heels and swiped on some shimmery lilac makeup. Her hair would stay in place as long as she stayed calm, and as long as Ron stayed away from her, she would.

My hair was now hanging in loose waves halfway down my back, more voluminous than usual. Who knew that Laura was such a cosmetic potions genius? My lips were a pale pink and I had a few swipes of sparkles on my eyes and cheeks. The shoes on my feet were silver and sparkly but had no heel at all, due to my "balance issues".

"Picture Time!" Kelly called and set the timer on the camera. We waved and smiled at the lens, striking poses and laughing giddily. We headed out of the Gryffindor common room only to be greeted by Zack and Jean-Marc. The boys looped through the girls arms and escorted them down the stairs. Hermione's date would soon be joining her and I would be left alone... or even worse... I'd be a third wheel.

By the time we got down the Great Hall, Hermione had received many double takes and surprised looks, clearly catching all who were familiar with her off guard. Finally, Viktor came and swept her away, leaving me alone. I stood by the stairs, awkwardly and internally kicking myself, regretting my lack of an official date.

"No heels, well, that's a good choice" said a voice from behind me, snickering. I turned around and only to be face with George Weasley, fitted in a velvet navy blue suit. Underneath he wore a chocolate brown vest, a white shirt, and a skinny black tie. His shaggy hair was groomed for once, combed a little bit more thoroughly, perhaps even with a touch of product.

"George!!" I said and took a step towards him, twisting my foot in the skirt of my dress and toppling into his chest.

"I see that even in flat shoes, there is no hope for you" he straightened me up and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. His touch made me shiver slightly and he tightened his arm. "Are you already cold?"

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