Burrowing Unwelcome Memories

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"What is the difference between a Blubbertuber and a Mimbulus Mimbletonia?" Kelly asked Laura, who slammed her head hard down onto the table. "Come on! Do you want to be able to take your O.W.L herbology?"

"Yes! Um blubbertuber is much bigger, and undiluted pus will burn the skin. Mimbulus mimbletonia is extremely rare and looks like a cactus. Its boils spew stinksap upon contact" she looked at all of us hopefully.

"You forgot that diluted blubbertuber pus can be used as an acne treatment" Neville said as he sat in a far corner, re-reading his potions textbook. We looked at him and he gave us a shy smile. "Herbology is my best subject."

"Could you help me then?" Laura asked, jumped to her feet. Neville seemed to be caught off guard, he didn't have much experience with girls other than with Ginny,and that could barely be called a relationship. "You know, be my tutor?"

"Su.. sure" he stuttered and she gave him a hug. He paled significantly and cleared his throat. "It's a lot easier to study for Herbology in the greenhouses. We can go there now" she nodded and they headed out of the common room.

"Poor boy, he doesn't know what he just signed up for" I shook my head and turned back to my charms notebook. Someone sat down across from me and stuck a long leg out underneath the table, kicking me.

"George" I looked up at my boyfriend and he gave me his best smile. "I am studying for my exams. Stop play footsie with me" even when he was giving me that puppy dog look, I could still resist him. He got up and came down to sit beside me, breathing hot breath on my neck.

"Come on, you've been studying for ages!" his voice went soft like melted chocolate as he nuzzled my neck. I could resist him. I could do it.

"I've been studying for half an hour" I corrected him and gave a small shudder as he kissed below my ear. Resist. Resist. Come on Ace, you can do this. Just put a firm foot down and tell him to go away.

"Please" he whispered and I looked around the room only to see that no one was paying attention to us at all. I gave a pleading look to Kelly who just winked at me and continued to flip through her herbology text.

I couldn't do it. Resist that is. Lately, George and I had made it a nasty habit of sneaking away several times a day in order to catch up on everything we had missed over the past few months that we weren't together. I sighed, defeated, and he laughed a tiny bit.

"You are adorable when you're flustered" he took me by the hand to help me stand up."I promise I will help you with your charms work, I have taken the exam before." That was true and despite common knowledge, the Weasley Brothers were extremely good at magic. Better than most of their class when they got to work on things, but they were so easily distracted that you would never know.

"I'm holding you to that. At this rate I'm going to fail every subject because of your stupid male hormones" he smiled and turned to me, proceeding to kiss me on the forehead. 

"Come on, you know you love it" he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. Kelly pointed towards the door and we walked out, heading to the fourth floor and sneaking behind the mirror. It's true, I really did love it. I loved the fact that he was mine, the fact that he cared for me so much, the fact that we never needed to let go of each other.

It was a small space; this secret passage had caved in a small ways down and didn't lead anywhere. But it was a lot more private than a broom closet (that you practically had to reserve to use). It had stone walls, floor and ceiling, about six feet high and six wide. We didn't bother to light a fire just in case, but I dropped my lit wand into an empty torch holder.

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