Knock Them Down

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"Acelynne Connors" Kelly said, dropping down beside me as I sat in the common room, my books piled around my head in a sort of makeshift fort. A very poorly made fort that could possibly collapse on my head and kill me.

I think I'd rather that over the 3 foot long essay that Snape assigned us in Defence against the Dark Arts. In fact, I'd rather do anything that do that essay. I'd eat a live owl.

"Kelly Duncan" I shot back at her, refusing to take my eyes away from the text book in front of me.

"Acelynne Connors!" Laura smacked her hand on the book in front of me, but I refused to flinch.

"Laura Pierce!" I raised my voice slightly to humour her and peeled my eyes away from the most intriguing paragraph about the many uses of Stupefy..... And here I was, thinking that there was only one.

"You know, I think at this point you're giving Hermione a good run for her money" Kelly said and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Which is probably a good thing if we ever need to replace her..." Laura smirked and closed the book in front of me, causing me to cringe. I hadn't book-marked the page!

"But fortunately, we don't. And I don't think that this world, or any world, could possibly handle two Hermiones" Kelly began to dismantle my piles of books and re-arrange them into what looked like a book-house for a house-elf.

"Nor could the world handle a world without an Ace" Laura winked and pulled herself up onto the couch beside me.

"So can she come back and grace us with her presence, or will we be forced to beg?" Kelly narrowed her eyes at the book-house and flicked out her wand. The books suddenly began to expand to the point where they were the size of large bricks and could easily fit several humans inside.

"Guys, I really don't know. Snape will honestly skin me alive if I don't hand this essay in, like, yesterday" I sighed and ran my hand through my messy hair, sticking up in every possible direction.

"That's it" Laura folded her knees below her and clasped her hands in front of my face. "ACELYNNE CONNORS! YOU ARE THE SUN TO OUR MOON! OUR YING TO OUR YANG! THE DOUBLE STUFF TO OUR OREOS!"

"YOU CANNOT SIMPLY DEPRIVE US OF YOUR PRESENCE! IT JUST MIGHT DESTROY THE WORLD!" Kelly slipped in, lying flat on her back on the floor, looking up at me with skewed glasses and puppy dog eyes.

I sighed again and rolled my eyes at my completely crazy and idiotic friends. "If you insist" I let a smile creep up onto my face and my eyes flit to the house of books. "Shall we go inside?"

"I thought you'd never ask" Kelly stuck out her tongue and crawled inside. Laura gave me a look of excitement and followed suit, leaving me to close the line.

"This place is pretty swanky" Laura said in awe, leaning against which seemed to be my old collection of Lockhart books. "I think I might take up permanent residence."

"That, my dearest, Laura, sounds like a pretty solid plan to me" I laughed, spreading out onto the floor and looking up at the paper ceiling. "Pretty solid indeed."


The rush from Defence Against the Dark Arts to dinner was something that I enjoyed the least. All I wanted to do was relax and eat my stew, but no, I had to fight against the tide of students bustling from class room to common room to Great Hall as I tried not to drop my books. By the time I got to the Great Hall, all of the good food was gone and I had a limited timeframe to eat the leftover food and rush back to my room to do my bloody homework.

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