Wood You?

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"Are you sure that you don't want us to stay here with you?" Laura asked as she ran a potion through her hair, making it glisten like white gold. "I feel like we aren't being very good friends..."

"Really Laura, I'm just fine. Now go and have fun in Hogsmead and don't forget to bring me back a mug of butter beer! And some chocolate!" I pushed her through the dormitory door towards an impatient, Kelly who had been ready for several minutes now.

"Okay then.... we will see you when we get back" she said in a hesitant voice and with a final glance at me, walked away. Finally, I was alone so I could start to get ready. I hadn't told the girls about my date with Ramsey ... for many reasons.

One, I knew they would question whether he was my rebound guy after breaking up with George. I wasn't sure if he was really, I was definitely excited about the date but I wasn't sure if it was because I liked him. Two, I didn't know what we were doing at all really. He told me it would be a big surprise and to meet him in the Great Hall. Three, I wasn't sure if there was going to be a second date. Four, Laura had a big mouth when it came to these things.

I quickly rummaged around in my trunk, throwing clothes in the air like a tosser, looking for something that would be appropriate. It was March and was still quite cold, but I didn't want to be bundled up to the point where I couldn't walk. I settled for a purple summer dress, along with grey wool tights and a pair of brown boots. I let my hair out of the tight braids I had put them in the night before and put on a thin layer or mascara, along with some self-re-applying lip-gloss.

Excitement grew inside me as I skipped down the stairs, fastening my pea-coat clumsily due to the mittens that I already had on my hands. Ramsey was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, his hands shoved deeply into the pockets of his coat. He waved and smiled at me, making my heart jump, he really was a fitty. His dark brown eyes glistened in faint sunlight that was coming in through the windows reflected in them.

"Acelynne" he held out a hand for me to take as I made my way towards the bottom of the stairs. "You look great."

"Why thank you" he helped me off of the last step like a gentlemen. We made our way over to the large door, which he opened for me. "Who said chivalry was dead?" I winked at him and we walked outside into the damp weather. The snow was beginning to melt, wetness was still in the air, and it was something that you could even smell. The wind gave a sudden whip and I wrapped my arms around my torso.

He pulled an umbrella out of his pocket and held it over my head, the slight pitter-patter filling the silence air around us. "So what are we doing?" He gave me a smile.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He looked unsure for a moment, glancing around at the imperfect weather conditions.

"Sure" I gave him my best smile and we took off towards the lake where a very well worn out path had been trampled into the grass by past students. It wasn't a bad sort of rain, a light drizzle that gave definition to the saying "smells like rain".

"So, have you heard that new song by the Raging Hippogriffs?" he asked and my jaw just about it the ground. Not very many people liked their music, or at least not very many of my friends.

"You like the Raging Hippogriffs?!" I asked and he nodded earnestly.

"Yeah, it's crazy how so many people don't!" His umbrella got caught in the wind and was flipped inside out and carried away in the wind. "Bollocks!"

"I think they are complete tossers if you ask me! Werewolf at Twilight is one of the best songs I have ever heard." His face lit up and he began to sing the lyrics out loud. Usually, I would be I tiny bit embarrassed by something like that, but his surprisingly good voice and outward behaviour shifted the embarrassment into admiration. We sang together in the drizzle, dancing in wild movements. My hair was growing tangled due to the rain, the water seeping into my boots and soaking my feet.

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