The Lake Event

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"I can't watch" I squeaked as I peered through my fingers at the black lake. Harry, Cedric, Fleur and Viktor were under the water trying to get past the grindylows and save the four captives, Cho, Ron, Hermione, and Fleur's little sister Gabrielle, before the time runs out.

"Calm down Ace, everything is going to be fine" Kelly said. I felt a firm hand clamp down of my shoulder, making me flinch. I looked over and saw Antoine, smiling down at me from the bench above us where he sat amongst the crowd. He had made friends with everyone in the time he was here, and he had acquired a little fan club of girls who followed him around everywhere he went at a distance.

"Yeah, mon amour, just take a breath!" he looked unnaturally calm as he leaned back and put his feet dangerously close to my face. I heard a cold snigger behind me but ignored it, recognizing that sneering drawl.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist Connors" Malfoy spat out my name as it literally put a bad taste in his mouth. Wouldn't this kid ever just GO AWAY? On so many occasions had we been forced together when Lucious gave my father those lovely visits. 

I got up to leave, or at least get some fresh air, seeing as this boy was pure pollution. I skipped down the steps, Kelly and Laura oblivious as they were caught up in the action, and walked out of the bleachers.

"Running away, Connors? Just like your filthy traitor father perhaps?" Malfoy caught my arm and forced me up against the railing of the bleachers. He just as quickly pulled his hand away, as if just the act of touching me would kill him. "Where is he?"

"I have no clue what you are talking about. Now, if you will please excuse me..." I went to turn away from him but he pushed me back again.

"You may NOT be excused. Tell me where your stupid father has gone and maybe, just maybe, you'll be granted mercy when we catch him." His hands were clenched at his sides as if he was holding back the want to hit me, but I doubted that the Malfoy line would stoop to such muggle violence.

"Piss off, Malfoy" I shoved him away from me but he barely took a step back. "Really, do you want to be turned into a ferret AGAIN?" This boy knew not to tempt me. I had a knack for for transfiguration. 

"Now, now, Connors. With an attitude like that, you will be going down with your filthy father" his hand was grasped around my upper arm like Seamus had once done.

"Muggle violence? Really Malfoy, I didn't think you would sink that low" I shook my arm from his grasp. He wasn't that much bigger than me. Taller yes, but he was a skinny boy, and hadn't filled out yet. My fingers were itching for my wand, even just holding it would give me comfort. For once I hadn't forgotten it and it was stuffed in my robes, only inches away from my grasp.

"You turned into a ferret? When!?" called a voice from behind us. Antoine was standing ten feet back from us, a look of confusion on his face. "Did you like it? Because I can arrange for you to be turned back."

Malfoy squinted at Antoine, confused by the sight of this strange french boy standing above us. He opened his mouth to speak, but with a flick of Antoine's wand Malfoy fell to the ground. I took my chance to run out from his reach, worried that Antoine had overheard us.

"Come on Acelynne, let us go watch the tournament!" he touched my shoulder and we headed back to our cold wooden seats. As Antoine sat down, a shrill shriek sounded from behind us. It sounded like the Hogwarts Express whistle before the train left the station. It was one of the Beauxbatons girls.

"ANTOINE? What are you doing 'ere?" a girl with a thick accent and a golden blond braid reached around and wrapped her arms around him. He slipped into her grasp with ease.

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