Happy Birthday to Me

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Valentines Day, a day I had never really enjoyed. There were many reasons, one of them being that I never had anyone to spend it with. Even though it was a very muggle tradition, most witches and wizards celebrated it anyways. Candy, flowers, and whole shebang, we did it all. It was the one day that it was accepted to be openly affectionate to your partner, but I was never one for PDA. Even we had the decency to go hide in a broom cupboard or wait the extra five minutes so wecould run up to his room.

Another reason I hated Valentine's Day was the fact that most unfortunately, February 14th, was the day that my mother gave birth to me. Yes, my birthday was on Valentine's Day and every single year it was over- shadowed by this Hallmark Holiday. Sometimes someone gave me the odd recognition, but most of the time it was all cards and candy. Kelly and Laura always remembered, as did my dad who sent me a small gift in the post, but other than those three I didn't really have any expectations. Birthdays were never really a big thing at our school unless you were on the Quiditch Team. I mean, when you go to a boarding school there is bound to be birthday every day.

There was also a Hogsmead trip on my birthday, so usually we went to the Hogshead and celebrated. In the Hogshead, you could get Firewhisky and Red Currant Rum a bit easier than if you went to the Three Broomsticks. Everyone was excited about the upcoming trip, so of course it just slipped their minds. But I didn't mind, after so many years of this you eventually just get used to it, as depressing as it sounds.

And that is why I never would have expected this. When I woke up, there were balloons tied to the frame of my bed, and streamers strung to the ceiling. A giant banner was hung up in our door way the read "HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY ACE!" but no one was in the room. It appeared that, for once, my lovely roommates had decided to let me sleep in.

I sprung from my sheets and didn't bother getting changed. It wasn't like I was allowed to go to Hogsmead anyways. I hadn't told any of my friends about my father, obeying the Headmasters demands, so I put on my best "sick" look. Hopefully this was enough to get them to believe me when I broke the news that I would not be accompanying them to the village.

I made my way into the common room, and yet again wasn't greeted by a soul. Where had all of my friends gone? Did they already leave for Hogsmead without me?! I ran up into George's room but he wasn't there either.

The walk down the Great Hall was a painful one. I was dreading that they wouldn't be there, that I would be alone, on my birthday. I was so caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't even realize I had entered the dining hall.

"HAPPY BIRHTDAY ACE!" the Gryffindor table roared as I walked in. Well apparently, the fact that I was dating George Weasley had bumped up my status quite a bit. I staggered in shock over to the table, only to be attacked by the hugs of my fellow Gryffindors. Every single one of them repeated the same birthday greeting to me as they filed out of the Great Hall.

"Happy Birthday Ace!" Kelly said as she threw her arms around me. Laura did the same, Hermione as well before I could sit down.

"Happy Birthday Love" George said, wrapping his arms around my torso from behind. I pressed myself into his chest, sparing everyone from seeing my embarrassingly red face. "Love, what's wrong? It's your special day! I have a special surprise planned out for you in" he shuddered "Madame Puddifoots."

"Aww darlin, that is so incredibly thoughtful. But I.... I don't feel too well" I said in great despair. They had worked so hard for today and I had to go and ruin it.

"Well, in that case then, you go back to sleep. We have a backup plan anyways" he said understandingly. Wow, I wasn't expecting that. He kissed my forehead and filled me up a plate of chocolate pancakes. I loved him, I really did.

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