The Great Escape

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"Acelynne!" someone hissed before reaching a hand out and pulling me into an empty classroom. They pushed me into the wall before I could get a good look at their face, and pressed their lips to mine.

George pulled away and placed his hands on my shoulders. "I'm glad I found you."

"I'm glad you found me too... but why was it so important?" I looked up at him, obviously confused, and took in his guilt face. He wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around in a full circle, crushing me against the wall again.

"Because I promised" he whispered and crushed his lips to mine. His hands cupped my face before they reached down and picked me up. Instinctually I wrapped my feet around his waist, locking my ankles together and grabbing his hair on the back of his head.

"You're leaving" I said with sudden realisation, pulling my mouth away from his.

"'fraid so" he smiled sadly and kissed me again, pushing his tongue into my mouth, probably in an attempt to keep me from arguing.

I let myself give in and bit back everything I wanted to say. No matter how much I could argue with him, he'd still leave. I just didn't want my last memory at school with him to be an argument, even though I wouldn't be able to feel any of it later. I wanted it to be special, but even more than that... I wanted him to stay.

The salt water tears started to inevitably roll down my face. They dripped off my lashes and slid down my cheeks, mingling with the kiss and giving it a brackish taste. "Oh no, Ace" George pulled away and brushed back a stray piece of my hair. "Please, love, don't cry."

I wiped my cheeks on my shoulders and looked back up at him, smiling sheepishly. "It's okay" I sniffed. "I'm just going to miss you is all."

The idea hit me hard enough to stop the tears. The one thing that George wanted, but I refused to give him, might be the thing that made him stay. I kissed the base of his neck, working my way up to his ear and back down again as my hands started working on the buttons of his shirt.

"Ace" George moaned, his voice sounding guilty as he took pleasure in the contact. His hands forced me against his chest, but his voice was filled with self-loathing. I was confusing him... good. "Ace, we..."

"Don't you want me, George?" I whispered into his ear and finished unbuttoning his shirt. "Don't you want to be with me?" I added before running my tongue over his earlobe.

George continued to kiss me with as much enthusiasm as I kissed him, his hands gripping and releasing the undersides of my thighs in a metronomic rhythm. He slowly pulled his hands away from my legs so I could firmly plant my feet on the ground.

My hands found their way to his belt and began unfastening with haste. The belt fell limply to his side as I got to work on his button, then his fly. My fingers were tugging down on his trousers and pulling at the waistband of his boxers when I felt his mouth tense up and his teeth grit together in frustration.

"Ace... I can't" he sighed as he began to fasten back up. "We... we promised Harry we would do this so he could use Umbridge's office and talk to Sirius. I'm" he sighed again, with more aggravation then before. "I'm on a bit of a deadline."

I felt my face crumble as the overwhelming feeling of rejection flooded through me. Every time we snogged, he always asked if we were going any further and I had always said no. And now, now I was willing to give myself to him and he pushed me away?

Shrinking back against the wall and sliding to the floor, I bit back the swell of tears that were about to break through again. He hadn't just rejected me, but he had thrown away my last chance of keeping him with me.

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