The Morning Walk of Shame

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The Hogwarts walk of shame was something I had seen many girls experience before, but as a laid here in George's bed, pinned underneath his arm, I began to dread it. The walk of shame tagged you as a slag, the tell tale signs of hook up hair, wrinkled clothing and an embarrassed blush automatically giving you away. I hoped that in light of last night's events, many other girls would be doing the same.

"George" I whispered and attempted to throw his muscular beaters arm off of me, to no prevail. His arm tightened around me and he mumbled something to himself

"I don't wanna" he grumbled.

"Weasley, get off of me right now!" His grip loosened in the slightest but my weak frame didn't hold the force to lift him off of me.

I sighed with relief when he rolled over and his arm flopped off the side of the bed. I tried my best to slide out from under the covers as quietly as possible, painfully aware of my lack of clothing. The reality of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks. Bloody hell, I was stuck in a room with five boys. How the hell was I supposed to find my dress, get changed, and escape without garnering any attention from anyone?

My dress, where was my dress? I peeked around the curtains and examined the room, searching for a glimpse of turquoise.... It had to be here somewhere.... aha! There it was, thrown over the trunk of none other than Fred Weasley. There was no way I was going to be able to reach it without fully exposing myself, and my underwear, to the entire room.

I took a step out, and stretched out an arm in a weak attempt to reach my dress. Where was my wand and why didn't I just Accio it over? Because I left my wand in my room, because I was clearly stupid.

"Good morning, gorgeous!" George said, rather loudly, and pulled me back into the bed by threading an arm around my waist. His breath was hot on the back of my neck and I could almost feel him smirk as he noticed my lack of clothing. "Trying to give me the shake are we?"

"Of course not, I just wanted to spare you the horror of seeing my crazy hair in the morning, or even worse... smell my breath" he laughed and flipped me over. I held my breath in an attempt to spare him.

"Oh really?" he kissed me, his fingers tracing the top hem of my underpants. "Because you look as beautiful as ever to me...." I smirked at him mischievously and pinned his arms down onto the mattress.

"You little liar" I whispered and kissed him lightly on the lips. "By the way, Happy Christmas Morning." I released his arms and stood up, taking the top sheet with me as a make-shift gown."I'm going to to need something more... respectable?" George quickly opened his trunk and found a stray jumper, tossing it to me and I slipped it on. I wasn't about to sneak over to his brothers side of the room in my state.

Sneaking out of the room was the easy part. Getting down the boys stairs, through the common room, and into my room was the hard part. I crept down and stairs and stopped, dead in my tracks. Seamus and Lavender were sitting on the couch in the common room, snogging rather aggressively. Yuck.

I ran through the common room as fast as I could, and whipped open the door to my room. "Did you see something?" Lavender asked and I heard her steps work their way up the stairs. I ripped through my trunk and pulled out a pair of pyjama pants. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and wiped the smeared make-up off my face with the sleeve of my jumper.

Feel satisfied with my successful hiding of last nights events, I sighed a sign of relief. I then threw myself to the floor, and dug under my bed for Fred and George's gifts. I couldn't help but smile and made my way back to the door. Surprisingly, none of the other girls had woken up yet.

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