Ready to Go

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"Hello Molly" I yawned groggily as I walked through the front door. She was sitting at the kitchen table, looking over this morning's daily profit with distain. She blinked and looked up at me, giving me a tired smile as she folded up the paper.

"Good morning Acelynne" she said and poured me a cup of tea. "What brings you around here so early?"

I shrugged and sat down, cupping the mug between my hands. "I don't know. Your son told me to get here bright and early..." I rolled my eyes and took a sip. "But of course, George being George, he refused to tell me what it was about."

Molly laughed and pushed her hair out of her face. "That does sound quite a bit like him, but I'm afraid to say that I don't know a thing about it either."

"Good morning all!" yawned a messy-headed George as he descended the stairs. He crossed the kitchen in a few loping steps and placed his hands on the back of my chair.

"Speak of the devil" I laughed as he leaned forward over my shoulder and planted one on my lips. "Tea?" I asked as he jumped up onto the kitchen counter, his toes grazing the floor as he swung them back and forth.

"Sorry darlin', not even time for tea. Do you know what day it is?" he asked, smiling mischievously and brushing his too-long hair out of his face.

"The day when you and your brother enrol back into school?" Molly asked hopefully, sending a cold glace at her son. He laughed, as if this idea was ludicrous, and shook his head.

"I'm afraid not, mother. Today is the day that Fred and I move into our new flat over the shop!" he spoke with a child-like wonder in his voice, barely able to contain the excitement as it bubbled over.

"And what does that have to do with me?" I questioned tiredly, longing to crawl back into bed and sleep for a few more hours.

"Because Fred is out of town, speaking to one of our more important business investors. That means that you get to be my moving partner!" he spoke gleefully, pushing off the counter and pulling my out of my chair.

I looked up at him, clearly unimpressed by the fact that he made me wake up ridiculously early to do heavy labour. "Calm down, love, you can hardly contain yourself" he said sarcastically as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and crushed me to his chest.

I rolled my eyes and shoved away from him, crossing my arms over my chest but giving him a weak smile. "Oh goody. Better now?" I said and George pecked my forehead.

"Come on Ace! It'll be fun, an adventure of sorts" he shrugged and grabbed my hand. "I've already taken the liberty of shrinking down my own things and putting them in a box, along with a few odds and ends from around the house. Oh, by the way mum, you're going to need a new toilet."

Molly sucked in a breath, her face going red as she (no doubt) prepared to beat her son within an inch of his life. "I'm only kidding mum, our place has its own toilet and everything! Pretty swanky, no?" George laughed and Molly calmed down in the slightest.

"Am I the only one here who thinks that this will be fun?" he asked, more of a rhetorical question than anything.

I sighed and leaned against him, fighting back the waves of fatigue that threatened to pull me under. "Is there anything else that you need?" I asked, closing my eyes for a second.

"No. Fred and I will probably pick up some things later on. A table here, a chair there, you get what I mean, don't you?" he looked off into the distance for a moment. "Oh yeah, and we took most of the furniture from Percy's room. The git doesn't use it anyways" he shrugged.

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