Girl Talk

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The sun streamed into my window and through the much worn out curtains that hung around my bed, waking me up. For a few minutes I laid there, running my fingers through my hair and staring up at the ceiling. Had I really broken curfew to learn how to fly? I looked down at my arms and noticed several tiny cuts along my forearm and it confirmed the flying part. Had I really (kind of) kissed George Weasley last night? Did we really... almost kiss? Did that count as a kiss? We barely touched at all, but at the same time, I was all too aware of the skin on skin contact.

"Ace!" Kelly ripped open my curtains and placed herself beside me on the bed. "Why did you get in so late?"

"No reason, I fell asleep in the common room and woke up in the middle of the night. I think my bed is much more comfortable than the coffee table." I attempted to shield my face to avoid the obvious blush that would give me away. Laura hopped out of bed and crawled into mine, lying on my other side.

"Oh really? Those are the words coming out of your mouth but what I'm hearing is "Lieeeeees". Perhaps something to do with a boooyyyyyy?" Damn you Laura. I swear sometime I think she would have a great career as a Seer. I pulled the covered up to hide my face but they ripped them away as fast that I didn't have time to think.

"Hell no! You are telling us all about it right now. You are not getting breakfast until you do..." Kelly said.

"-Because as your best friends we have a right to know" Laura poked at my side, tickling me. I giggled and curled up in a ball and then sighed in defeat.

"Are Pavarti and Lavender here?" I whispered and they both shook their heads. With a deep breath I launched into my story, including every single little detail and word. The girls did their due diligence, nodding and giggling at the appropriate moments.

"And after we got back to the common room, I went to go upstairs but I came back to give him a hug and thank him because I think I actually really liked flying after all-."

"-See!! I told you it would be awesome but noooo, you were too afraid." Kelly sighed.

"Shove it Kelly, I want to hear the ending!" Laura said, squealing with excitement. Maybe they could help me with the kiss dilemma.

"Well, the hug lasted a while..."

"Oh my Merlin, he didn't get an... uhhem... well you know what I'm talking about" Laura said and this time Kelly glared at her with her piercing yellow eyes.

"Dear Merlin NO! Well we kind of... kissed... I think. I don't know, it was kind of short and confusing and then Ron interrupted and they both went into the boy's dormitory and now that I'm thinking about it... I'm freaking out!" it all came out in a long run-on sentence, the words slurring together.

"-Well how long was the kiss?"

"-Was there tongue?"

"-Did he get grabby at all?"

"Calm down okay and I'll tell you" they both nodded and zipped their lips shut. "His lips just skimmed mine for, like, a second and then he put his forehead to mine" thinking of it now, I knew what their answers where going to be.

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