The Unexpected

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George POV:

I knew girls were batty, every single one of them. Especially my girl. My sexy, funny, intelligent, girl. Or at least, that's what she used to be to me. Over the last three days, I wasn't quite sure what I thought of her.

I mean, I was still irrevocably in love with her, don't get me wrong. That was the reason why I was so bloody worried for her. She weighed less than one hundred pounds, certainly, her bones noticeable under her thin skin, and horrid black circles under her eyes, making her look like the walking dead. Over the last three days she didn't leave her room, although I was allowed to come in and sit in awkward silence while she read for hours on end or did some form of school work.

She didn't touch her food. She didn't say more than ten words at once. She rejected every advance I made towards her.

Don't give me that look! I'm a only a man! Just because she looks like bloody hell doesn't mean I don't find her sexy. I know it sounds weird, but I can't really explain it. Mum says it means that I really am in love with her.

So today, the fourth day after her return, I'll do the exact same thing. Roll out of bed and Floo over to Acelynne's without even a shower.

"Morning" Fred grumbled as I walked out of my room, a rather large mug of tea cupped in his hands.

"Same to yah" I said, pulling my jumper over my head. "I'm heading over to Ace's."

"As I expected" he grinned. "When am I going to get a chance to see my best mate?" I raised my eyebrows before furrowing them.

"I'm hoping at mum's tonight, if I can get her to leave her room" I sighed, plucking the mug from his hands and downing half of it.

"Go get your own tea, you git!" Fred said, taking back his mug and holding it to his chest protectively.

"No time mate, I'm leaving as soon as I can. Anyways, I'm not sure that you'd want to see her right now... It's downright depressing." I bent down and scooped an excited looking Bart from the floor, tucking him under my arm and stepping towards the fireplace.

"Well maybe today will get her out of her rut" Fred winked and placed his mug on the counter. "Congratulations brother, you've made it two years. Who would have thought, you of all people?"

"Oh, I know it" I chuckled and grabbed a fistful of Floo powder. "Anyways, I'll probably be back here to grab the gifts before we head over to mum's."

"Sounds like a plan. Tell Ace I say hi" he said and I stepped into the fireplace, threw the powder onto the floor, shouting out Acelynne's address as I did so, and was sent whirling until I caught the familiar picture of her living room.


3rd Person POV:

Although she wasn't completely there, Acelynne was slowing resurfacing and she didn't like it. Her empty expression had turned to one of annoyance and pain, the fuzzy feeling in the back of her head transforming into a dull, throbbing headache.

It probably had something to do with the dozens of empty bottles at the bottom of her bag.

The headache was enough to keep her from doing her schoolwork, but she still refused to leave her room. With her memory refilling at the rate of a leaky faucet, the sight of her boyfriend and father was enough to keep her hidden. She couldn't bear to look at them, knowing that she was the reason they were in danger.

"Ace" George knocked on her door rapidly before opening it without consent. She was laying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling with a barely present look in her eyes.

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