That Fuzzy Feeling

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"My lord, everything is in place!" a voice hissed through the inky blackness. "All of ourplans have succeeded and we will have Potter soon enough!"

"No, not everything" said the calmest, most detached voice in the room. "Let us not forget that not all loose ends have been tied up."

"What do you mean by that?" the first voice had dropped down to an incompetent whisper, shifting nervously in the dark as they waited, blind, for an answer.

"That girl, the one that got away" he answered simply enough, and a chorus of voices jumped in, filling the air with a buzz of chatter, too difficult for anyone to comprehend.

"Quiet!" a shrill voice cut through the noise like a knife. "No, we have not forgotten about her. We will get her, when the time is right, when she thinks she's safe. That's when we will get her. We'll make an example out of her, show her what happens to traitors and the rest of their families!"

The quiet continued, dragging out unnervingly until the cold voice jumped in. He chuckled without emotion, causing the rest of the room to join in with him, as nervous as nervous could sound. When he stopped, so did the rest of the room.

"Yes, yes we will."

My breath caught in my throat as I sat up in bed, sweat trickling down my forehead as I forced back a scream. My sheets were on the floor beside my bed and my pillow was caught between my bed and the wall.

"Just a dream" I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and cast a glance around the room, the curtains pulled back on every single bed. "Calm down, Ace. It was just a dream."

But had it been? There hadn't been any sign of a death eater since I was taken back, but did that mean they had actually given up on me? Surely they had better things to do than chase after me, make an example of me when they could be hunting Harry or taking over the world. Not that I wanted any of these things to happen, but still. They had more important things to do.

And yet, every time I closed my eyes, there she was. Her red hair glistened with sweat as she stood over my limp body, a formless shape on the cement, cackling in triumph.

There was no need to think of any of this now. I didn't need the stress or the worry. So, on routine, I reached over to my bedside table and opened the drawer, pulling out the vile of cherry red potion. I took the smallest sip and put it back in the drawer, sleep immediately pulling me away once my head hit the mattress.


I knew something was wrong the second I took a step into the common room. Everything was freshly fuzzy thanks to my favourite little memory potion, all rampant emotions successfully held down in their respective places where I couldn't feel them, but it didn't mean I was stupid. A lot of terrified looking firsts years put down a copy of the Dailey Profit and, with sullen faces, walked out of the common room.

Fred and George were sitting in a corner, chatting up some third years while passing around one of their Headless-Hats and collecting sickles and knuts. I made a beeline for them, trying to push the scared first years out of my head.

"Hey guys" I said, sitting down next to George and pecking him on the cheek. The third years continued to obliviously play with the Headless-Hat but Fred and George exchange looks of worry.

Fred reached across the table and snatched the hat away from the younger students. "Okay, funs over. If you want to play with the hat, you can buy one of your own" he said and shooed the children away.

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