In the Orchard

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"George, you know that I'm not a big fan of surprises" I huffed as he pulled me out of my room at about midnight on my fifth night at the Burrow. So far I had learned a few housecleaning spells, discovered Ron's fear of spiders was far more serious than I originally thought and got a lot more snog time in than I would have ever guessed.

"Yeah but where's the fun in that?" he laughed and kept his hands firmly around my waist, steering me out of the house and into the warm summer air.

"You better not try and get me to play Quidditch again, because if you do than your lips are going to be getting real lonely real fast" he laughed at my weak attempt to threaten him and he was right to do so. I loved kissing him just as much as he did me.

"No it's not that but don't think that I've given up on that." Dear Merlin he still hadn't given up on that has he? "Now" he pulled to a stop and moved in front of me. "Open your eyes and try not to love me too much."

We were in the middle of the orchard, a thousand tiny little lights coming off of the candles that George had placed carefully in the tree. A blanket had been set up with a bottle of red currant rum and a picnic basket, in the middle of a clearing so we could see the sky clearly.

"I don't think that I can do that" I said and through my arms around him. It was all so romantic and so not George. Sure he was sweet but he had never planned something so extravagant before. "This is so amazing."

"You are amazing" he whispered into my hair and we walked over to the blanket. There were also some pillows and a thick wool blanket that would be useful once the cold weather started to kick in. I sat down and George poured us each a glass of rum.

"Really, what did I do to deserve this?" I took the glass and put it down beside me, leaning into him. The muted light of the stars made his eyes twinkle more than they usually did and left the rest of his face as nothing but a silhouette.

"Well the other night I realised that we never actually had a first date... this is to make up for it" he gave me a half smile and put down his glass as well. He put a hand on my waist and pulling me closer so we were lying side by side. It was true though, we didn't really have a first date. It started out as a kiss in the hallway and then we just sort of jumped into things head first.

Instead of answering, I leaned in and put my hands on his lower back. Tugging at the material of his shirt, forcing it up his back and over his head and then throwing it a few feet away from us. Before I knew it, his hands were unbuttoning my shirt and slipped it down my arms. Was this really happening? I had to say, it was romantic but were we ready for it?

"I bet you did all of this just so you can get into my pants" I laughed and he gave me a serious look.

"Of course, why else would I do this" he kissed my collar bone. "Or this" he kissed his way up to my mouth and smiled against my lips. "Acelynne, do you want to do this... now?" That was a hard question to answer. I wanted to do it, but maybe even in a romantic setting... fifteen was just too young. Or at least for me anyways. Kelly lost it in third year to a boy that she dated for maybe a month and she felt just perfectly fine with it.

"You know... I want to but..." I drew back away from him for a second only to be pulled right back in.

"I understand" he said and slid his hand up and down my side. "But it doesn't mean that we have to stop doing this..." he waved his hand to us. He was right, we were doing just what I felt comfortable with.

"But we can do other things" I said as I rolled over onto him and straddled his waist. He looked at me in surprise but soon he gave me that smug boy look. The one that gave it away that he thought I was hot. "I could do this" I bent down and kissed his chest. "Or this" I ran my tongue up his neck and felt him shudder underneath me.

His hands reached around my back and unclasped my bra. His eyes ran down my exposed torso, unsure of what to do with his hands.

"George, do you love me?"

"You have no idea" he looked dumbfounded. I felt him began to get excited and let a smile escape my bravado. In all actuality, I was scared. Scared about how much I loved him, scared about going too far, scared to lose him again.

We laid under the blanket, tangled up in each other's limbs and staring up at the sky. "I love you" he whispered into my ear.

"I love you more" I giggled and laced my fingers through his. "I love your large family and your hectic life. I love the fact that you have more freckles than I could count. I love the way you know exactly what to say. I love your pranks and your red hair. I love you" sure maybe I was taking it a bit overboard but I needed him to know.

"Really, you love my hair?" I nodded and I could practically feel him beam. "And my family?"

"You forget love. I grew up with just a dad, no mom, no siblings. I always knew that I would marry into a large family though so I never let it get me down." George was absently raking his fingers through my hair as we talked.

"Marry?" he asked. "I like the sound of that, Mrs. Acelynne Weasley." I giggled and rolled over, burying my head in his cold bare chest. I stifled a yawn and George looked down at me. "Do you want to go inside?"

"No, I think we should sleep out here" I said and closed my eyes. George made a very good pillow, his body heat keeping me warm, his arms wrapped protectively around me. I wanted to stay like this forever.

"I think so too" he said and I felt his body relax as he began to drift slowly into sleep.


The sun was shining, too bright in my opinion, and waking me from the most amazing dream. George and I had a picnic in the orchard and slept underneath the stars... if only it was real.

"Good morning love" George said and I opened my eyes only to see that it hadn't had been a dream at all. Good, if it was then I might have been a bit disappointed. "Sleep well?"

"Very, how about yourself?" I reached over for my clothes that were still on the dewy grass.

"Best sleep yet" he said as I buttoned up my shirt. We had to go inside soon or else people would start to get suspicious. I really didn't want to though.

We wandered hand in hand through the orchard, him holding the empty picnic basket and a pillow and I holding the blanket and a pillow of my own. The sun was rising over the Burrow, greeting us with a beautiful sight.

"Good morning you two" Mrs. Weasley peered at us over her morning cup of tea and glanced down at her Dailey prophet. "Have a good sleep?" George gave me a mischievous wink and turned to his mum.

"We didn't do much sleeping" he said and sat down, helping himself to a plate full of eggs. I glared at him and swatted his arm.

"Please don't listen to your son Mrs. Weasley, he's being a git" I turned to him and stuck out my tongue. I put the blanket and pillow under my chair and sat down, pouring myself a massive cup of tea.

"Oh I know Acelynne dear, I trust you too much to think of something like that" she looked over at the stair case as Ginny, Ron and Fred descended the steps to the kitchen. "Good morning all."

"Morning mum" they said back together in response and sat down at the table, half asleep like usual.

"I hope you realise that I have a perfect view of the orchard" Ginny whispered as she plunked herself down next to me. "I think I'm scarred for life." I rolled my eyes at her and picked at my piece of toast.

"Ginny we didn't even do anything that bad!" I whispered back and she made a scoffing noise into her pumpkin juice, causing bubbles to rise to the surface. I hit her leg under the table and she stopped immediately.

Suddenly, a knocking sound came from the window and we all looked over our shoulders to see who it was. A tawny barn owl was pecking at the window, a small scroll attached to his ankle. It wasn't Errol or Pig, not even Percy's owl Hermes. This was an owl I was very used to seeing.

It was Kumar, my father's owl.

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