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I ran out of the party, pushing past him in the main room. Nobody noticed me as I left my own party, because they didn't care about me, anyways. They only cared about the opportunity to shag.

Had that really just happened? I never would have said those things if it wasn't for the damn Veritaserum and my big mouth. And then there was Dumbledore, did he really have so little faith in me that he had to cast a spell to keep my mouth shut?

Well I guess he was right because I did try and tell George.

Once again I found myself in the corridors, running like a maniac, minus the bottle of fire whiskey. Last time, George had come and led me back to my door with a smile of his face and a joke on his lips. I suddenly couldn't breath, this simple act of remembrance enough to make me feel like I had just been stabbed in the heart. We were over for ten minutes or so and I was already mourning him as if he had died.

I had to stop running; my lungs felt as though they were going to burst, my legs growing unsteady. There was no place that I could go that would grant me peace, everything reminded me of him. I leaned against a wall and slid down to the floor, where was I exactly? The air smelled dank, leading me to believe that I had somehow made my way into the dungeons.

"Well what do we have here?" asked a sneering voice in the darkness.

"It looks as though we have found a lost little Gryffindor" another replied.

The two boys stepped out of the shadows and I could finally see their faces. The first one was tall and lanky. He had black hair and ice blue eyes, framed by a forest of thick lashes. Turner Kinsmen, unusually good looking for a Slytherin but he was nothing but trouble. The second one smiled at me, his crooked teeth his most prominent feature. He had one of those baby faces, topped with a by a mop of sandy blond hair. Lease West, I think that was his name.

"A pretty lost little Gryffindor" Turner commented and held a hand out for me to grab. I just shrunk back into the wall, shaking my head in rejection. "You should learn to take a compliment.

"I think I know who this is. You're one of the Weasleys girlfriends, aren't you?" I shook my head in denial, and they turned to each other, smiling like foxes.

There was no way I could get around them easily. They were both bigger than me, not to mention seventh years. They had at least a head on me, if not more. They could throw me around like a ragdoll if they wanted to. Lease reached down, forcefully grabbing my hand and forcing me to my feet, before Turner shoved me by the shoulders, driving me into the wall.

"Did you know that the Weasley Twins had some fun last week, and set off a dung bomb in our common room?" Leases voice was dark, his black eyes staring right into mine. I shook my head and looked away from him, breaking his eye contact in fear.

"What exactly do you want with me then, eh?" I said finally gaining some courage, but it went as fast as it came. The dark look in their eyes scared me further. There had always been a rivalry, an animosity between Gryffindor and Slytherin, but something about this felt different. It felt like more than childish pranks and house points.

"I think the question is, my dear" Turner snickered. "What are you going to do to stop us from having a little fun of our own?"

I whimpered and Lease laughed out loud. "Try not to scream, we hate screamers" he said, coming the gap between our bodies. Oh god no, this wasn't happening to me. He raised my hand to his lips and a shiver of disgust ripped through my body.

"Wait! No! George said he would be just behind me. You REALLY don't need to do this." I begged, but the boys just continued to laugh as they fiddled with their wands.

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