The Call Home

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I ran over to the door and whipped it open. The owl hopped onto my arm and nibbled at my fingers affectionately as I took the roll of parchment away from his ankle. A letter from my father? 

"Who's it from, Acelynne?" Mrs. Weasley asked me as she put her mug in the sink. I clenched the paper to my chest, not wanting to let it go. If my dad was back in town that meant I would have to leave the Weasleys.....

"My dad, this is his owl. His name if Kumar" I reached into my pocket and pulled out an owl treat, something I had gotten into the habit of carrying around since I entered the Burrow.

I glanced down at the piece of parchment and let my eyes wander over the words.

Dear Acelynne,
I'm so sorry that I had to leave town so abruptly but it was for our safety. I'm sure that Dumbledore has placed you somewhere that he is confident will regard your wellbeing. I have found a new house for us to live in, one that the death-eaters will be unable to find. The address is 478 Rocker Lane. Please come as soon as you can.

I placed the piece of parchment in my pocket and glanced around the faces of the many Weasley's that were staring at me. George stood up and took a step to my side, raising his eyebrows.

"What does it say?" he asked and tried to take it from my pocket. I swatted at his hand and leaned against the door.

"He's back, and he's found a place for both of us to hide. He wants me to come and get settled as soon as possible" my voice sounded drained and hollow. Why couldn't I be more excited about this? He was my father! Shouldn't I be excited to see him?

"This doesn't sound right" Mrs. Weasley said. "Don't you think that Dumbledore would have sent for you on behalf your father, if he felt it safe?"

"Well... maybe not even he knows that my dad is back. Anything's possible I guess..." grudgingly I trudged to my room and whipped my wand out of my boot. "Accio clothes" I whispered and nealt down to fold my clothes back into my trunk.

"Acelynne, I'm telling you that there is something not right about that letter" Mrs. Weasley continued, following me around the house as I collected various items I had left laying around. "I think we should contact Dumbledore first..."

"I think I know my own fathers hand writing..." I didn't mean for it to come across as sour as it sounded. She ignored my tone and positioned herself in front of the door.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley, for your hospitality. I'll send a letter once I get there, alright?" I noticed her biting her lip in contemplation before she stepped out of my way.

George came in behind me and whispered in my ear "Do you want to take a broom over?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No, I have too much stuff to balance on a broom. I think I'll just take the Knight Bus" I fingered my pocket that held a handful of gallons, sickles and knuts. I stretched up onto my tip-toes and gave him a peck on the lips, painfully aware of Mrs. Weasleys eyes on us.

I hugged Ginny and Fred, and then gave an awkward one-armed hug to Ron. They all looked at me as though I was mental, but didn't say anything. I knew what they all were thinking, but they were wrong. If I stayed here any longer, than I would want to move in. I don't think Mrs. Weasley would appreciate that too much.

"Talk to you later!" I cried and walked out of the door, George still grasping at my hand all the way down the lane. He insisted on dragging my trunk to me until the very end, starring at me in his periphery the entire time.

"Promise you'll write?" he asked.

"Of course, love, everyday. Maybe even more than that." He smiled triumphantly, put down my trunk, and picked me up instead. He kissed me much more passionately this time, a risky move considering that his family spying at us through the front window.

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