Our Kid

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Chapter 1

*Mikasa POV*

I had just given birth. 24 hours of hard labour. She's finally here. When she was given for me to hold, Eren asked, " What shall we call her."

"Anieka. I want to call her Anieka." Eren held me in his arms and said," That's a wonderful name. Perfect for her." We left the hospital. We brought Anieka home. Everyone was talking about how cute she was and they even held her. A couple months later, everyone was over and we heard Anieka try to say something. "T-t" We notice and all moved over to her. "You can do it, Darling." I heard Eren say.

Anieka then said," T-t-.....titan."

They all started laughing. Connie then said," Well, we know for sure that Eren's the father now. " Armin said," Can't wait for her to grow up and find a guy who she's going to protect just like Mikasa. I wonder who it's going to be. Maybe a strong nice guy or smart. I wonder. " Eren said," Maybe she'll have Mikasa's strength." Sasha then hit Eren's back and said," The story of how Eren died. By his wife and daughter." They all were laughing even I laughed a little. Eren said," Whatever." He rolled his eyes. I said," It doesn't matter if she gets a guy that she wants to protect. As long as she's healthy and we provide her with a good life. Eren and I had bad childhoods and we're going to give Anieka the best life possible." Jean said," That makes sense."

After 6 years. Anieka is 6 and Eren, Mikasa and Armin are 27.

Anieka is growing up so fast. I said as I looked at Anieka. She was eating at the table. Half an hour later, our friends came over. Anieka ran to the door and said," Uncle Armin, Aunty Sasha and Uncle Connie and Uncle Jean!" Armin picked her up. "I guess someone's happy to see us." She nodded her head. "Play with me." I walked up to them and said," Why don't we go to the beach. Its really close. And you guys have swimsuits here. " Sasha said," And why do we have swimsuits here?" Eren said," Because we live right by the sea. If you ever came over, we could go swimming." Anieka jumped up in joy. "Yayyyyyy, beach time!!!!!" She ran up and got her swimsuit. "Um mommy, can you help me get dressed?" She looked down as she asked. Connie said," She has the confidence of her mom." Armin laughed and said," They way she calls her parents is adorable." I looked at Anieka and nodded. She smiled and I went to help her. After we had all got packed up. We went to the beach. We set up the tent and got ready to swim. I still felt insecure in my bikini. I can't believe Sasha felt comfortable. I can't stand my 6-pack showing its.... embarrassing. When we all got in the water, I felt better. Then suddenly, everyone splashed me. Anieka said," No, stop splashing mommy." And she stood in front of me. I put my hand on her shoulder and said," It's fine Anieka dear. There just playing." She looked at me and said," Oh, so your not hurt." I shook my head. She smiled. Eren said," Well, only 6 and she's starting to develop that protectiveness." I got up and said," What's so wrong with that." He laughed and said," Nothing, but we've got better things to do." He then splashed me. And so did everyone else. All and all, it was a good day. We spent the rest of the day playing tag with Anieka. She really likes playing games with us. Im really happy that she doesn't argue with me like Eren did with his mom. It was late, not really, and it was time for Anieka to go to sleep. "Anieka, honey, it's time for sleep." I said. She said," No, I don't want to go to sleep. Im playing with daddy!" I said softly," Daddy might be tired. We must let him rest. Right daddy?" I looked at Eren. We both knew how grumpy she got when she didn't sleep. She screamed," No! Im not going to sleep! I hate it when you tell me to go to sleep!" Anieka ran to her room. "Anieka!" I said as she ran into the room. Eren said," You guys should go. It got late quickly." They nodded and left. Eren and I walked to our room. We heard Anieka crying. When we walked in, we sat on the bed next to Anieka. "Im so-" I wanted to say but Anieka grabbed me and cried. "Im sorry mommy! I didn't mean to yell! Im so rude! Im sorry! I didn't mean to! Forgive me!" It was nice to know that she knows that screaming at me was wrong. I put my hand on her head and said," It's fine sweetheart." Anieka said," It's not fine! I was rude to you! You're not suppose to be ride to your mommy or daddy and I was rude to both! Im a bad girl!" Eren held me and Anieka in his arms and said," Anieka, you're not a bad girl. Your a good girl. You never fight with mommy and daddy. Its fine if you fight with us once or twice. I also did it. I fought with my parents." Anieka looked up and said," No you didn't! You're parents were good. They were the best! You loved yours! I try to show my love but I can't! I don't know how!" I brought Anieka closer and said," Anieka, it's fine, daddy and I also can't show our love."

Anieka said," You're lying! You always say that you love each other. Its hard for me to say that! Do-does that make me a bad per-person mommy?" I looked at her and said," No, it doesn't. Your daddy was the same. When I started dating daddy, he couldn't say that either. It doesn't make you a bad person. " She stopped crying a little and fell asleep in my arms. I put her down and we went downstairs. I said," She has the exact same problem you had. She can't say' I love you'. She has so many qualities of us. She truly is our daughter." Eren walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "You see, the world isn't so much of a cruel world. You teen was wrong. Look at our life now. Married, with a daughter and friends. I can't wait she makes friends."

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