Inka and Ren

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Chapter 5

√Anieka POV√

I was staying at Aunty Hangé and Uncle Levi. Aunty Hangé had picked me up from school. When we got home, I said," Um.....Aunty Hangé....Uncle Levi....." They looked at me and Uncle Levi asked," What's wrong Anieka?" He came over to me and smiled. I said," I want ny mommy and daddy." I started crying. Aunty Hangé picked me up and said," What's wrong Anieka? You can tell us." I wiped my eyes and said," Kaito took my lunch again and then kept pushing me over and punching me." Aunty Hangé put me down. Uncle Levi said," Where was he punching you?" I said," Here in the middle of my chest. It hurts." Aunty Hangé asked is it was bleeding. I said no but it hurt. Uncle Levi and Aunty Hangé was treating me wound.

~Eren POV~

We went to the town to see if the person that was threatening Mikasa would come out. Someone touched her shoulder and I immediately stood in front of her. I said," Who are you?" The person said that their someone important to Mikasa. Mikasa stood in front of and and said," What do you mean?" They motioned for us to follow them. We did so, wanting to understand what was happening. They led us to a shady area and into a door. I whispered to Mikasa," Stay on guard. " She nodded. Once we got there, I said, " Why are we here?" The person took off there coat and I saw it was Inka! Then Ren came out from behind her. Mikasa said," Inka! Ren!" She wanted to go towards them but I held her arm. She looked at me angrily and said," Eren, let go! Why are you holding my arm!" I tightened my grip. I was not letting her go. I never trusted Inka and Ren. Mikasa tried to get out of my grip but I didn't let you go. She said," Eren! Let me go!" Inka walked up to us and said," Its fine, Eren. You can let her go. There's nothing to be worried about. We 'got rid' of the people that were threatening Mikasa. " And Ren said," And by 'get rid' we mean, we sent them away to Marley. " Mikasa talked to Inka and Ren for quite a long time. I said," Mikasa, if noone is coming after you, then we should go and get Anieka. Don't you think that she'll be worried about us." Mikasa gasped and said," Oh yeah! Anieka was crying when we left her! I'm sorry Inka and Ren but we have to go and fetch Anieka." Inka looked confused and said," Whose Anieka?" Mikasa moved towards me and said," Anieka is mine and Eren's daughter. " I held her in my arms. We left to go pick Anieka up. It was at like 6:15. Usually Anieka is asleep at this time. I was walking next to Mikasa. I put my arm around her waist and said," I'm sorry about holding your arm back there. I just...I don't trust Inka and Ren. I just don't want to lose you. And I'm pretty sure it's the same for Anieka. We don't want to lose you. You're important to us. " She stopped and hugged me. She put her head on my shoulder and said," That's fine. Just make sure that you never raise your voice in front of Anieka. I have a feeling that if we raise our voices, it will scare her." I nodded and we went to pick Anieka up.

We had taken Anieka home and put her in the bed. Mikasa and I were downstairs on the couch talking. We were arguing about Anieka's bully. I was raising my voice. "We need to deal with her bully immediately!" I said. I then heard a soft voice. "Da-daddy! Mo-mommy!" We looked over and saw Anieka! I said," Anieka!" She started crying. I walked over to her and said," What's wrong my angel." Mikasa walked over to us. She said," You-you guys are fighting because of m-me." She was shivering. I brought her into my chest and said," Don't worry. Mommy and daddy WILL never fight because of you. Right mommy?" Mikasa nodded and we sent Anieka to bed. Mikasa said," Eren... you've changed. Please go back to the original Eren! I miss him!" Mikasa started crying in my arms. Was I changing? I held her and said," I'm sorry. I didn't know. I shouldn't raise my voice, for you or Anieka. I just don't want to lose either of you. Everything is happening so fast. First we got rid of the titans. And then we got married and straight after, you got pregnant. Then we got Anieka and she's growing up so fast. She's just...she's perfect. She acts likes like you and never fights with us like I fought with my mom. I'm starting to worry that I'm going to be a bad parent as she gets older." Mikasa brought me closer and said," No Eren. You're the perfect dad and husband, along with best friend. Don't worry about when she gets older. We should be lucky that she's a good girl. That she listens to us." I nodded. I'm very lucky and happy. I just don't know how I'm going to deal with what's happening. Having a kid changes your life so much.

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