The black cloak

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Chapter 6

*Mikasa POV*

We had fetched Anieka and thanked Hangé and Levi. We put her in her bed in her room. We left her window open cause she wanted it open. Eren and I were downstairs watching TV. I was cuddling up with Eren. We suddenly heard screams from upstairs. We went upstairs as fast we could. We ran into Anieka's room. She was on the room and screaming. I tried to hold her but she shook me off. Eren grabbed her and held her still. She struggled to out of his grip. He didn't let go until she calmed down. I put a hand on her shoulder and asked," Why were you screaming, Anieka? You really scared daddy and me." She looked and said," I heard screaming in my head. It said that mommy was going to die. And then showed pictures of mommy in daddy with something dropping from her head." Eren brought her close to his chest and said," Dont worry about that. Just go to sleep." She slowly nodded and got back into bed. We stayed with her until she fell asleep, which wasn't long. We decided to go to our room. We got dressed and got in bed. I said," I bet you anything that that's the same voice we heard." Eren sighed and said," I wouldn't be surprised. We didn't get rid of the voice as it never bothered you after that 1 or 2 times. Im guessing it was transferred during the pregnancy." I rolled onto my side, facing Eren and said," I wouldn't be surprised. It transferred from you to me by contact. So if it transferred from me to Anieka through contact, I wouldn't be surprised. I just hoped that it wouldn't. I actually forgot about it. I was just so caught up in everything. Like going to Marley and us dating and getting married. And the pregnancy." My voice went a little low when I said 'pregnancy'. Eren turned towards me and held me in his arms. I felt all the tenseness in my body leave me. His touch was still as warm as when we were kids. He said," We'll get rid of the voices, don't worry. And don't you DARE say that we shouldn't have had Anieka or that we shouldn't have gotten together." I pulled my head back to stare at him in the eyes and said," Now why would I say that?" I looked away and said," The way you spoke just now, was like your teen self. Your teen self was so cold but my wife isn't. Or at least, that's what I like to think." I kissed Eren. When I pulled back, I said," I won't revert to my old self. I won't become so cold again. Dont worry. I dont regret dating you or marrying you. I also dont regret having Anieka since it was with you. We had fallen asleep. We woke up to screaming. We went to Anieka's room, thinking that the voice was in her head again. When we got there, we saw someone standing on the window sill with Anieka in their arms. Anieka screamed," Mommy! Daddy!" We went to the window sill but the person jumped out and got away. We didn't see where they went as they had a black cloak. We also didn't hear Anieka's screaming anymore. "DAMMIT!!" I said. Eren put a hand in my shoulder and said," Mikasa, babe, I know you're angry right now, but please calm down. You being angry doesn't help the situation. " I took deep breaths. "Eren, we need to go, immediately." Eren said," No, it's a little bright outside. We should go get our friends to help us. Armin is really smart and maybe our other friends will help. They all like Anieka after all." I wanted to go and get Anieka immediately, but knew I woudnt be able to find her. I ended up listening to Eren. We went to each of our friends and gathered them up by Levi and Hangé. I explained the situation and asked if they would help. "Of course!" Sasha said. Connie said," And you don't want anything?" Sasha hit Connie's head and said," Connie! Anieka is missing! We can't focus on food now!" We all agreed what to do. This felt like back when we were younger. We would have these plans to save Eren. When we were standing at our posts, I heard Armin say," Feels alot like when we were younger. When we needed to save Eren." I said," I was literally thinking that." I pulled Eren's ear. He looked away. Armin found out where Anieka was. We busted in there and saw Anieka on a chair. There were 2 people standing next to her. Eren and I knocked them out. We untied Anieka and she cried into our arms. Another person came in with a black cloak. The same 1 as the person who took Anieka. I jumped into them and they fell. I was sitting on top of him with my arm over his neck. I said," Why did you take Anieka." I kept a straight face as Anieka was behind me. I removed the cloak from their head. I didn't recognise this person. They moved their arm towards my face and stroked it. He said," That child is special. She processes something that noone else does. " Eren came as soon as he put his hand on my face. Eren took his hand and threw it down saying," Don't touch Mikasa." The guy sighed and turned his head while smiling and said," You guys don't know what you're dealing with. As parents, you are doing a horrible job." I put my arm closer to neck and said," And how do you know we're her parents." The guy laughed and said," It's obvious, Eren and Mikasa. She has the the features of you guys." Eren said," How do you know my name. I said Mikasa's name so I could understand that." He laughed louder and said," Oh poor Eren and Mikasa. Yeager and Ackerman. You guys thought you'd finally get to settle down. But no, remember your parents death, Mikasa." I looked at him with huge eyes. He continued," I was the person that ordered the men to kill your parents. I knew you were there and wanted to kill them in front of you." I started choking him. I said," That's not true. The men that killed my parents died." He smiled and said," And who killed them." I looked really shocked now and said," Eren and I ..." He laughed and said," I controlled both of them. The men that killed your parents and the men who you killed. I didn't think you would kill them. I didn't expect Eren to come in. You were suppose to die that day. Or not really." Eren said," And why was she to die?" He smiled and looked straight at Eren and said," I have a mission to accomplish. Annihilate All Ackerman's. I killed your parents and your the last Ackerman I know of. " Eren crossed his arms and said," Well then I'm extra glad that I was there to save Mikasa. By why do you want to annihilate all Ackerman's?" He said," Ackerman's clearly aren't humans. I kill everything that isn't human. Like Levi over there, think he's human? And what about Mikasa? " Eren asked what he meant. The guy answered,"Think about their inhuman strength. Think about how strong Levi gets when he wants to protect Hangé or Erwin. And what about Mikasa, when she protects you, Eren." He gasped and said," None of that matters. You won't kill any more Ackerman's." I wanted to get revenge for my parents but knew it was wrong. So we got the MP's instead. They arrested him and we got Anieka back. Our friends were worried about Anieka after so they spent as much time with her as possible.

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