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Chapter 15

~ Eren POV~ 

Mikasa still had her cold. Armin had a great idea and was planning to do it later. It was going to be warm outside so I planned to tell Mikasa the plan later before we left. I think it will make her really happy. Mikasa woke up really late. I didn't want to get up and lied with her all the time. When she sat up, she said," Morning babe, how are you?" She yawned and wiped her eyes. She stretched her back. I moved towards her and gave her a small kiss. She pulled away quickly exclaiming," You can't kiss me! I've told you many times! I'm sick and don't want to get you sick!" I pulled her closer and said," And I've told you many times, I don't care about that! You can't make me sick." I pulled her face to my chest and she pushed me away. Her face was red and it was so cute. The only reason I did any of this was because it made her blush. I said," Mikasa, can I tell you something big?" She had a worried look on her face and said," There's nothing wrong with you, is there? You are okay? I didn't make you sick, did I?" I moved towards her quickly and said," NO no no! Nothing is wrong with me! I just thought that....since Sasha is your best friend, you might want to know about her." She nodded her head and said," Well yeah....She is my best friend and I do know everything about her." I smirked and said," you know that Armin plans on proposing to her later." Mikasa gasped out loud and said," Really!" I nodded and said," Yeah, he plans on doing it later. When we go out and throw a party for Sasha." Mikasa exclaimed," She'll be so happy! I can't wait to see the look on her face!" I said," Yeah, we've more or less left you out of everything and just been surprising you, we thought that maybe it's time that we surprise Sasha and after Hange." Mikasa stood up and said," They'll be so happy! We should stop focusing on me and focus on making everyone else happy!"

*Mikasa POV*

I had just said that we should focus on making everyone happy, that gave me an idea. "Eren! I have an idea!" He tilted his head, smiled and said," What's your idea?" I said," You know what....." I moved towards his ear and whispered," I won't tell you~" He pouted his lips and said," Awww, come on." I shook my head and said," Nope!" He said," Ugh fine. I'm not going to argue with you, cause I know you won't tell me." I smiled and said," Yep, I'm not going to tell you." 

At 5 AM

(Sasha POV)

I had woken up early as usual. I got up and went to use the bathroom. I went to the lounge and saw Armin on the couch putting the TV on. I asked," What you doing, Armin?" Armin looked at me with that cute, innocent smile and said," Good morning Sasha, how did you sleep?" I sat down next to him and checked what he was putting on. I put my head on his shoulder and answered," I slept good." He asked," How do you know?" I said," Just like you said years ago ' I know I slept good because I don't remember anything about my dream or anything.'" He smiled and said," Wow, you remember that? How?" I said," Anyway, what do you want for breakfast?" He said," Since when do you make breakfast. If you made it, then I wouldn't eat cause you'd eat everything. Remember a week ago. You wanted to make breakfast and I LITERALLY watched you make it and then eat it." I laughed and said," Get lost, I won't eat it again." I playfully punched him and he said," Ok ok ok ok ok! But I'm still making breakfast. What do you want? You want, Marry Me Bacon and Eggs?" I tilted my head and asked," What's Marry Me Bacon and Eggs?" He gave a small laugh and said," It's uhhhh.....Bacon and Eggs with lots of love." I gave a huge smile and said," Oh! Yes, Bacon and Eggs!" He got up and went to the kitchen. I went to the kitchen table and sat while Armin put the stove on. I said," Ooh, can you make potatoes too!?" He shook his head and said," Oh Sasha, of course I can make." I said," Yeah! Best....Boyfriend...Ever!!!!" Armin turned his head to face me and said," You ask for the same thing every morning? Don't you get annoyed of potatoes?" I shook my head.

At 2 AM

Armin had taken me outside with a blindfold on. He said," Okay, you can take the blindfold on." I took it off. " SURPRISE!!!!!!" Everyone shouted. I gasped and said," Thank you all so much!" I looked at the table. " Fooooooood...." Armin put a arm on my shoulder and said," It's all yours. We all made sure to eat before we came so that you could have it all." I hugged him and said," Yessss!" Mikasa walked up to me and said," So do you *ah-choo* like it *ah-choo*" I laughed and said," You're still sick, aren't you." Eren walked up to us, put an arm around Mikasa's neck and said," Yep, 3 days later and she's still sick." I grabbed her hands quickly and said," Mikasa! Will you do me the honor of eating all this food with me?!" She smiled and said," I'll eat as much as I can." Eren laughed and said," You won't be able to eat that much then...You barely finished breakfast. I knew you wouldn't so I made less food then I usually do." After about 40 minutes of me eating and talking with everyone, Armin said," Sasha, you are the most beautiful women I've ever met. When I was a kid, Mikasa was the only girl who could stand me. I still don't know how she could. When I met you, I started to fall in love. You always listened to my stories and facts that I read." He got down on 1 knee and said," Sasha Braus, will you marry me?" I gasped," Armin Arlert, I will marry you!" He smiled and stood up. We hugged tightly. I said," I now how you felt Mikasa when Eren proposed." Mikasa put her head by Eren's shoulder and said," Yep, it's an amazing feeling." I was so happy right now. This feeling was amazing.

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