The maniac

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Chapter 10

*Mikasa POV*

I was thinking about the guy whole time while Eren was sleeping. Eren did his usual thing where he holds me while he's asleep, I held him back. Before I knew it, dawn had broke. I took Anieka to school as usual. When I came back, Eren had left. He would always leave in the morning from 8 till 12 and never tell me where he went. Whenever I asked him about it, he always just smiled and said nothing. I'm really worried but decide to leave him alone. He's my husband and I trust him more than anything and anyone.  Eren came back at 12 o' clock. I was doing the washing. Anieka had left her dirty clothes on our floor as I told her to. I had gone through Eren and I's clothes to find the dirty ones. I was almost done with hanging the washing when Eren walked in. He had a huge smile on his face and said," Hello my lovely wife." I looked at him in confusion and said," Hello Eren." He walked up to me and hugged my back. " Awwww, no nickname. Anyway, The entire gang has a surprise for you tomorrow. Don't worry about picking Anieka up, I'll get her this afternoon. And yes, I know what time she ends." He kissed my forehead and went back in the house. I finished up and Eren went to go fetch Anieka. I was sitting in our bedroom reading a book when I felt something hit me on the head. I fell unconscious. When I woke up, I saw that I was sitting on a chair. There was something over my mouth and my hands and legs were tied to the chair. I tried to get it out of my mouth but it didn't work. I rocked the chair back and forth but ended up falling. I fell hard and made a noise. Three men walked in with a women behind.  1 of them were wearing all black, another wearing all dark green and the final wearing all dark blue. The women had army clothes on. The women said," Why hello little lady. My name is Raily. This here is Ayato, in all black, Carmelo in all green and finally Yashiro in all blue." She hit Ayato on the head and said," Why did you bring her here! She doesn't look like the girl were after." Ayato said," She isn't. The girl wasn't at home. I thought we could take her as a hostage and maybe sell her since she is very beautiful." Raily shook her head and said," I don't care about her. Our boss said that he wants the girl not this...person." She looked at me up and down. She looked to the side and said," I don't need her. We were told to kill the man, take the girl and leave the women to him. It isn't any of our business what he plans to do to her." She turned around and said," Hah, Yashiro, your always talking about how lonely you are, take this women.  She'll find you attractive. As long as we make sure noone finds her, you can have her. Do whatever you want with her." Yashiro looked at me with a creepy look and said," Anything I want." Carmelo put his arm on Yashiro's shoulder and said," Just don't kill her, otherwise you'll end up alone." Carmelo and Ayato started laughing and left. Raily brought in 2 chairs and Carmelo and Ayato sat down. Yashiro walked up to me with a creepy look. I've seen  that look before. I tried to think hard and remembered. That look! It's the same look I saw when I was a kid! When I got taken, and Eren came to save me! When that man kicked me onto my side! He gave me that exact look! I hoped that Eren would come and save me. Yashiro  walked up to me and removed the clothing from my mouth. He lowered himself to my ear and whispered," There's no point in screaming, honey. Noone can hear you. We're far from any kind of building. You now belong to me and I would love to hear your voice. Especially when I touch you." He touched my neck. I didn't have my scarf on so my neck was exposed. He was caressing my neck and slowly moving down. I asked," What do you want?" Carmelo asked," What is your name?" I said," Mikasa Ackerman." Yashiro said," Ackerman! I've always wanted an Ackerman for a wife." I lifted my head and said," Sorry but I'm married already." He gasped and said," Yeah to me or at least... When I'm finished with you, you're going to want to marry me. Are you a virgin?" Ayato walked up to us and hit Yashiro's head. "Idiot! She's married to Eren and the mother to Anieka! Have you never heard of Mikasa Ackerman!" Yashiro said," No. But I don't care. She'll belong to me when I'm done with her. Can't wait to hear you moan for me." I kept a straight face and said," I'll never moan for you." He lowered himself to my face and said," You say so now, wait until a couple minutes later." He started moving towards me. He put his hands on my neck. They were so cold. He kissed my neck. Just then I heard the door burst open. I saw Eren and the rest of them. Eren screamed" GET YOUR HAND OFF MIKASA!!!!!! NOONE IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH MY WIFE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!" He ran up and punched Yashiro. He started suffocating him. Hange walked over and untied me. Carmelo and Ayato said," Look! It's Eren! Lets-" Levi punched both of them. He said," Mess with Mikasa again and I'll kill you. As a matter of fact, mess with any of them and I'll kill you." I thanked them all and said," Thank you all so much. I didn't want to see how far he was going to go." Eren clenched his hands," If anyone touches you again, I'll kill them on the spot." Jean said," Great job protecting her, by the way Eren." I shook my head and said," It's not Eren's fault. He left to go pick Anieka up. I was reading a book when something hit me on the head. When I woke up, I saw that I was in this room. By the way, is Anieka ok? Where is she?" Eren said," Anieka is by Christine. I let them continue to play." I nodded. Sasha waked up to me and smiled," Mikasa, you better rest up, in a couple days, you'll be really excited.  will be pretty exciting."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm tired anyway."

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