Mikasa's birthday

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Chapter 17

~Eren POV~

I had woken up with Mikasa next to me. I felt bad for all the trouble I had caused her over the past couple days. It was dawn and also Mikasa's birthday. Mikasa was 23 today. I got up and went downstairs to make Mikasa pancakes, shaped in M's and A's. It was really hard but I tried my best. I heard Mikasa run downstairs. She came into the kitchen, shouting," Eren, are you still here?!" I laughed and said," Yeah." I walked up to her and gave her a hug," I'm just making breakfast for my amazing wife's birthday. Did you know that she just turned 23. She's grown up so much from when I first met her."  Mikasa gave a slight laugh. I said," Go sit down at the table now, I'll bring breakfast in 1 sec." Mikasa nodded her head and went to go sit down. I gave her a plate. She said," Aw, it says MA, my initials. Mikasa Ackerman. Amazing! I can imagine how hard this was." I said," Nothing is hard when it comes to you." We heard knocking on the door. I answered it. Our friends were there. I said," Guys! You said you were coming later! Mikasa doesn't know about any of it yet!" Sasha said," We can't wait Eren! This is torture!" Levi said," As her best friend, don't you wanna surprise her?" Sasha nodded her head. I heard Mikasa ask," Eren, is everything okay?" I said," Yeah, give me 1 sec!" I said," Guys, as you hear I gotta go, see you guys later." They nodded and left. I went back to Mikasa. I said," I think your husband might have a surprise for you, but the problem is, where is he? I don't see him anywhere, do you see him? He might be in the living room. Why don't you finish up eating and then we can go look for you husband in the living room." I walked towards her and kissed her forehead. She laughed and said," Then you better not kiss my forehead, let alone me. My husband was really into killing titans when he was a teen. And I've also got a brother who fears nothing." I said," Your husband was insane when he was a teen. I'm surprised his wife didn't kill him. He got into trouble all the time." Mikasa said," And even though my husband got into trouble every day, I would still stick by his side." I hugged Mikasa's waist and said," Your husband must be lucky to have you for a wife." Mikasa said," No, that's not true! I'm the lucky 1! I have the best husband in the world, and he was once the best father!" I hugged her and said," Alright now, finish eating and meet me in the living room."

Mikasa finished eating quickly. She walked into the living room. I said," Well, here's the wife, where's the husband?" Mikasa sat next to me and kissed me," Here's the husband." I laughed and asked," What movie you wanna watch?" She said," You can choose." I said," Hey! I'm not the 1 turning 23 today, am I?" She laughed," Okay okay, let's watch a romance movie." I kissed her forehead," Okay." I put the movie on and let Mikasa snuggle in my arms. I heard knocking on the door. I paused the movie and said," I think our friends are here." Mikasa said," Eren! You should've told me! Then i could dress up!" I said," You don't need to dress up." We went to go answer the door. I told them to act as if it wasn't Mikasa's birthday, so when we opened the door, everyone acted normal. Armin asked," Hey you wanna go out? We have nothing special going on, unless you guys have something special going on." I saw Mikasa smile at me and I said," We have nothing going on today. We'd love to come with, right Mikasa." Mikasa's face went plain. I hadn't seen that face since we were teens. We went to Levi and Hange's place. Mikasa said," Wow, Levi! Hange! Your place is so big!" Hange said," Well, we're planning on having a kid soon." Hange rubbed her stomach. I said," I bet that you 2 would make amazing parents!" Levi said," Whatever." Sasha said," Hey Mikasa, you wanna go on a walk outside?" She nodded her head. When we got outside, Mikasa asked," Eren, why did you tell them that there's nothing special happening?" I said," Trust me babe, wait until later and you'll be so happy. Just trust me." She nodded her head and hugged me," I trust you no matter what."

Hours Later

I said," Mikasa, let's go back." She said. I said," But first, let's do this." I put a blindfold on her eyes. When we got back, I took it off and we all yelled," HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKASA!" Even Levi yelled with us. Mikasa said," How did you guys know?" Hange said," Eren has been keeping track of the days since 2 months ago." I blushed. Armin said," Eren planned all this by himself. He didn't want us to help." Mikasa hugged me tightly. I said," Babe, I love you dearly. You are mine and mine only. And don't ever forget that." Mikasa kissed me. I kissed her back. Sasha said," Can we eat food now?" Mikasa laughed and said," Yeah Sasha." I said," In fact, i got 2 cakes, cause I know that you're going to say that Sasha can have the whole cake." Mikasa smiled and we lit the candles on the cake. We started singing," Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Mikasa! Happy birthday to you!"  Mikasa was about to blow her candles when I said," Tell us how old you are." Mikasa turned red and said," 23, I'm turning 23 today." I smiled and said," That's right. My wonderful wife is 23 today. Blow you candles and make a wish." Mikasa blew out her candles. We all give her presents. Overall I hope she had a good birthday.

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