Chapter 1

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(Narrator pov)
The Clone wars continue on with the death of Palpatine the Jedi Order discover about the Clones chips so they disable and remove their chips now they are free to fight. Jedi Council has let attachment in the order which a few Jedi are happy but now they must face their next Challenge from Mandalore.
(End of Narrator)

(No one pov)
The Jedi Council was in the Jedi chamber's planning their next move against the Separatist "Separatist attacks are getting stronger, without Palpatine guide Count Dooku will strike again Obi-wan said "find him we will, lose fate we won't Yoda said "what about the other Republic sector we manage to take Plo-Koon ask "there holding so far but it won't be long until they fall Obi-wan said "we got a plan if they taken back?Anakin ask but then a hologram of a Coruscant Clone appear in the middle of the room "sorry to interrupt General but the Duchess of Mandalore is on the line the clone said Anakin and the other Master stood up with Obi-wan "put her through Obi-wan said "yes sir the clone said as he disappear and Duchess Satine appear "Obi-wan and Jedi Master greetings Satine said "Duchess what do we own this call?Mace Windu ask " I am here because a Clan leader as requested to speak to you Satine said as female Mandalorian step into view greetings Jedi I am Ursa Wren of Clan Wren I am here to requested a Jedi help Ursa said which made everyone confuse "sure we be willing to help but help with what? Anakin ask "has you know I am stepping down as Countless of Clan Wren so is my husband which mean my daughter will be the new leader but there a problem Ursa ask then she took a deep breathe she refuse all of the suitors they I had so my husband had a idea we want one of your finest and most bravest kind hearted Jedi to marry my daughter Ursa ask which made everyone go silent "um sorry Countless but I'm afraid that we all old to marry here Obi-wan said "forgive me but I meant a younger Jedi you train Ursa ask "I let you talk it over but think about it you be adding a Mandalorian clan to the Republic Ursa said as she hang up. The Jedi Council began to think "are we going to go through with this?Anakin ask "I say we should, with a Mandalorian Clan we can have full control over the Mandalore sector Plo-koon said "agree I do, but which padawan we sent? Yoda ask Mace Windu thought of one Jedi Master "What about Caleb Student Mace Windu ask "young Bridger?he seem to perfect to picture that she was looking Obi-wan said "Bring Caleb here, talk to him we will Yoda said to them.

Caleb Dume or Kanan Jarrus as he called himself was in his share room with his Girlfriend Hera Syndulla a Twi'lek from the planet Ryloth they both meet each other when he and his master were station on Ryloth both of them became great friends before they became a couple Hera join the Republic as a pilot she was one of the best Pilots in Kanan Battalion. Kanan and Hera were both getting ready when they hear a knock on the door "who could that be? Hera ask Kanan walk to the door and open it to see Master Yoda, Obi wan and Anakin standing there "Master's please come in Kanan said as he let them inside "Thanks Master Dume speak to you we must Yoda said as he hop on to the couch "sure master about what?Kanan ask as he sit down across them "we got a requested from a Clan leader asking for a Jedi to marry her daughter Anakin said "so we want to know if it ok we send your padawan Obi-wan said "wait!you want to send Ezra to Mandalore to marry a Mandalorian?Kanan ask"yes, make peace with the Mandalorians we try only chance to peace we have Yoda said "aww does it have to be Ezra?He is a nice kid and he barely leave the temple Hera said as she walk back in with a tray of Tea "grow attach to the boy you have hmmm?Yoda ask "indeed Master, he is a very sweet boy Hera said with a smile "well Ezra is old enough to make his choice but you sure you want him?Kanan ask "She made it clear who she want, Bridger fit the distribution Obi-wan said Kanan sigh "fine he can go Kanan said Yoda nod his head "where is young Bridger? Yoda ask "he training with Master Kit-Fisto and Aayla Secura Kanan said as he and the others Master head to the training room. Ezra Bridger was training with Kit-Fisto and Aayla Secura in lightsaber training which he was great at. Ezra dodge Aayla Lightsaber as he duck over Kit-Fisto Lightsaber before he got into his stance Aayla and Kit-Fisto got into their stance before they made their move Aayla strike to the left Ezra block her attack before he lock sabers with Kit-Fisto then Ezra did a backflip before he did a slid spin move which made Kit-Fisto fell on his back before he point his saber at Aayla Ezra smirk "I win Ezra Saud Aayla smile "indeed young one but never underestimate a Jedi Aayla said as Kit-Fisto went for a strike which made Ezra do a spin to dodge the saber as Aayla did a backflip Ezra turn around as he caught his breathe but he was also smiling "you getting stronger Bridger Kit-Fisto said as he put a hand on his shoulder "keep this up, and you may be better then Master Yoda Aayla said with a smile the training room door open and Kanan Hera Obi wan Anakin and Master Yoda walk in Ezra stood straight up "speak to Bridger alone we must Yoda said Master Kit-Fisto and Aayla nod their head before they left the training room "what you need Master?Ezra ask "a special mission we have for you,Travel to Mandalore you will Yoda said Mandalore?for what Master Ezra ask "I explain on the way why don't you pack your things we leave soon Obi wan said Ezra put his lightsaber on his belt before he did a bow Hera and Ezra head go Ezra room "think he be ready?Anakin ask "he ready for it I train him after all Kanan said with a smile. Ezra was in his room packing his things he was packing Clothes, a clone Helmet he had since he was 5 yrs old, a picture of him and his parent's, a few extra robes, and a picture of him with Hera and Kanan after his first mission with them Hera walk in "you got everything?Hera ask "Yes I do everything is pack Ezra said as he grab his backpack and carry his helmet Hera smile as she pull Ezra into a tightly hug "I'm going to miss you little Ezra Hera said "Hera I'm 16th I think I'm to old for that nickname Ezra said "no matter how old you are your my little Ezra Hera said with a smile Ezra smile too then they head to the hanger. Obi-wan was with Cody as his ships get ready they be taking on ship

Hera and Kanan were with Ezra saying goodbye "good luck on this mission Kanan said "thank you master I put your training to use Ezra said "LET GO BRIDGER!Obi wan said Ezra grab his bags before he made his way to the ship

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Hera and Kanan were with Ezra saying goodbye "good luck on this mission Kanan said "thank you master I put your training to use Ezra said "LET GO BRIDGER!Obi wan said Ezra grab his bags before he made his way to the ship. The Cruiser left the station and flew into orbit before entering Hyperspace to Mandalore.

Hope you All enjoy the book and if have any request for my Sabezra Book let me know.

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