Chapter 7

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(No one pov)
It was late on Lothal the city was still being repair slowly by the Lothal guard's and clone's. The palaces was still being fix well Ezra and the others were asleep Mira and Ephraim were in central control room going over the damage "so the situation sergeant?Ephriam ask "more then 55% of the city was destroyed as with more then a dozen defence turrets as well including the Palace turrets during their bombing but the shield took the rest of the bombing a clone said Mira sigh "wish we could see this sooner we would be ready Mira said "more important how did our outer system not pick them up our scanners should have warn them Ephraim said "could be a system wiring or possible they didn't detect them at all Gwen said "sir we could get hold of the of the prime minister to see what the problem is Gwen said "sure let me know when he on the line Ephriam said Gwen nod her head before she left "right now our force is rebuilding the city keep the people in the bunkers I want beds, food, medicine, and guards Mira said "yes Queen a Clone said as he left "sir I suggest we use our remaining forces on the wall we lose alot of good men sir a Ace Clone said "I Divert half of Gwen men to the wall and see what can be repair Ephriam said "Wedge?of all the Sith it had to be him Kanan said as he walk up "I'm afraid we don't know this Wedge fella please Explain Master Dume Mira said "Wedges was a student like Ezra both were good friends during their younger days in the temple they did everything together but until they got older Ezra became force on his Training, study's, and battle tactics but for Wedge all he cared was to be the best Jedi at any cost Kanan said "seems he choose power over peace Ephraim said "yes during the battle on Yavin 4 both of them were with Me and Master Tano we were task to take the temple to but during the attack we got separated Wedge and his men made it to the temple Kanan said "let me guest he didn't wait Ephraim ask "yes he lost almost everyone one of his men but Ezra and his Clones show up to see a Massacre Clones and Separatist body a everywhere including a bunker fill with civilian Kanan said "by the time we reach them it was over Ezra reported Wedge to Council on what happen They took his rank and his Lightsaber Wedge sworn that he get his revenge on Ezra and everyone he loves Kanan said "well we train Ezra for this he can handle it Mira said "I know but there times even he need help even if he doesn't want it Kanan said "remind me of his mother Ephriam said with smile as Mira slap his shoulder "Hera the Same thing ever since we took care of him for you she became a overprotective of him Kanan said then Gwen walk up "sir we got a incoming transmission from the planet Gwen said as she put it through the video was static as a men appear on screen "Lothal command! This is lieutenant Adam of Typhoon defence we are under attack 332nd company have been over run so well our force we need immediately reinforcement the video cut after a explosive hit near him "332nd?that Master Tano unit Kanan said "Gwen Ready the Battalion 1-5 for immediately departure Ephriam said "yes sir Gwen said "I go with her Captain Grey will remain here to help Kanan said "good idea bring Ezra as well they going to need all the help Ephriam said as Kanan nod his head.

Ezra turn his lap on as a knock on was his door he got up and open his door to see a Clone "sorry to wake you General but your parents need to see you right now the clone said Ezra grab his clothes and put them on before he grab his Lightsaber then running to the control room. Ezra enter the room to see Clones and guards running to the hanger "mother what going on?Ezra ask "Typhoon is under attack you and Master Dume are heading there to assist the 332nd company Mira said "right Ezra said he and Kanan ran to the ships. The Lothal Dreadnought was ready to loft off from the airfield

 The Lothal Dreadnought was ready to loft off from the airfield

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