Chapter 13(The Key)

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(No one pov)
Count Dooku Wedge and Grievous were standing near the forest with their.... unknown Guest who called himself Apex "why are you here?Wedge asks "like I said I'm here to join the cause Apex said as he stood up "yeah?why should we let you join the Separatist?Wedge asks "because I can give the Separatist Tactical advantage, counter attack their assaults, and give a edge against the Jedi Apex said as he shows them his trophies on his shoulder which were emblem but they were different "has you see I am capable of handling Jedi personal Apex said Dooku let go of his saber's as he circle around Apex "you are strong but not a Force user, you're fighting skills are impressive and your strength is impressive but let see if you can....handle yourself Dooku said as he walk away from him "kill him Dooku said as the Fifth brother grab his dual sided Lightsaber and active it Apex chuckle "this will be fun Apex said as he turn around to face the Fifth brother well he turn his left hand into four long claws as they charge up Fifth brother went for strike but Apex block it then Fifth brother kick Apex back before he leap in the air with his saber ready in the air but Apex made a fist as he deploy his Wrist blade from his right hand and he slam it into Fifth brother chest which made him shock well Dooku Wedge and Grievous found amusing "impressive Dooku said Fifth brother hear that and he was mad he reach for Apex but Apex was charging his left hand up before he pull his sword out of his chest and aim his left hand at Fifth brother before he fire a pulse which blown off a large chunk of Fifth brother right side. Apex then reach for his emblem which was on his left shoulder he rip it off "Benefits of killing Jedi Apex said as he kick Fifth brother body to the ground. Dooku was impressed with what he witnessed Apex wield the Separatist emblem to his left shoulder "it's see I was wrong to doubt you Dooku said "you should but as you can see I can...handle myself Apex said with an evil grin on his face "then let's us talk about this.... tactical advantage you bring Dooku said as he and Apex walk back to his home Wedge look at the corpse of the Fifth brother "burn this body and get back to work Wedge said as he and Grievous walk back to the city.

*Coruscant(Jedi Temple)*

Yoda was sitting in a chair as he meditated when he felt a huge disturb in the Force Yoda open his eyes Master Windu and Obi-wan open their eyes too "Master what is it? Obi-wan asked "a great disturb in the Force I sense, great danger I fear, for the Jedi and Republic Yoda said Windu and Obi-wan look at each other with a confused look "should we warn Organa? Obiwan asks "no, gather the council you will, every Jedi as well Yoda said as he gets up off the floor as he walks to the Jedi council Chambers. Kanan was in his shared room with Hera who was getting ready for the day "come on Kanan how hard it is to pick out a outfit Hera said Kanan exit out of the bathroom with the same clothes he has been wearing since they meet "sorry I was putting up my hair Kanan said Hera smile at him before she kiss his check "you look handsome with the same outfit Hera said as she and him kiss each other softly and lovely but Kanan got a huge headache Hera notice this she was worried "Kanan you okay? Hera asks "yeah a really bad headache Kanan said before Hera could worry about him their room door and a Temple guard enter the room "Master Jarrus, the Jedi council has requested your presence immediately he said which made Kanan and Hera worry what awaits them.


Ezra and Sabine were in the training room sparring with training staff. Sabine Block Ezra attacks as she ducks underneath his second attack before she went for a swing as well but Ezra uses his staff to block before he did a backflip over her and went for a hit but Sabine lean back as the staff miss her Sabine then swipe Ezra leg making his fall on his back he was about to get up but Sabine put a foot on his chest "4-1 I win Sabine said with a smile "yeah? check again Wren Ezra said Sabine looked down to see Ezra had his staff touching her chest "2-4 I say Ezra said "fine it tie Sabine said as she removed her foot then helped him up Ursa enter the room she smiled at the sight in front of her "I see Bridger training is going on well Ursa said "he can handle staff, hand to hand and other test but he seems to have more trouble with the jetpack test Sabine said "Jedi never use jetpack that why Ezra said "well a jetpack help Mandalorians in combat and it reach places we can get to on foot Sabine said Ursa smile at the two "well if jetpacks training is going to be a problem I guest we could save that for last Ursa said but before they could continue the alarms began to ring "Countless we got a unknown fighter heading this way announcer said "is it Mandalorian?Ursa ask "Negative it appears to be a N1-Class Starfighter Announcer said which made Ursa Sabine and Ezra confuse.

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