Chapter 16

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(No one pov)
The Clone Facility on Kamino was doing its normal routine Clone Leaders were training the new Clone Troopers preparing them for the war. An Arc Trooper was watching the recruits practice their aiming "remember shoulder up and fire, don't use too much strength in each shot!He said as he watches Clone hit their Target. In the balcony on top of the training room Jedi Master Shaak-ti was watching as Clone were doing their final test to pass

"The new Batch of Clones seems very capable Shaak-ti said "yes they are, with help from our Lothian allies we were able to train and add certain genes to the cloning A trainer said as they saw a Clone running to cover before sliding across the flo...

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"The new Batch of Clones seems very capable Shaak-ti said "yes they are, with help from our Lothian allies we were able to train and add certain genes to the cloning A trainer said as they saw a Clone running to cover before sliding across the floor hitting a few training droids with EMP rounds. Shaak-ti watch close as the clone ran through the Droids taking them out one by one well the other's cover from the back "that Clone who is he? Shaak-ti said the Trainer chuckled softly "He is she boss Trainer said "really?a Female clone? Shaak-ti said "yes, we had many just like her leading their squad and they also show off to the men The Trainer said as they continue to watch. The Female clone made it to the tower with her team "what plan now boss?CT-0967 Asks "I keep the tower force on me well CT-5233 and CT-2218 take them out then we move up the tower to the flag CT-2701 said her team nod their heads. CT-2701 ran out of cover as the training droids fired upon her but didn't hit her "go!CT-5233 said as he and CT-2218 aim at the droids nailing them in the head shutting them off. Shaak-ti nod her in amusement as she watches this Batch climb the tower. CT-2701 and her team made up the tower and they grabbed the flag then held it above them as they cheered, they finally passed their final training session.

The Group of Clones were brought to Shaak-ti and the Trainers "I'm pressed with your performance you and your team will be excellent in the war The Trainer said as he placed badges on their armor "thank you sir!CT-8821 said as they salute Shaak-ti pointed to CT-2701 "Trooper step forward will you Shaak-Ti said CT-2701 step up "I'm very impressed with you and how lead your team Shaak-ti said "thank you ma'am it be an honor to fight with you CT-2701 said "you make a final Captain..... Phoenix Shaak-ti said giving CT-2701 her name Phoenix look at her before she nod her head "thank you ma'am Phoenix said "alright now hit the showers, you be shipping out soon with the others Trainer said as Clone walked back to their quarters. Shaak-ti was walking to the main hanger looking out as many New batch of Clone Troopers we're excited to be ship out and prove themselves to the Republic "they're excited A voice said Shaak-ti look behind her to see the Prime minister of Kamino Lama-Su "yes I can see that every clone you crate want to Prove themselves Shaak-ti said as she and Lama-Su walk side by side of each other

 Shaak-ti was walking to the main hanger looking out as many New batch of Clone Troopers we're excited to be ship out and prove themselves to the Republic "they're excited A voice said Shaak-ti look behind her to see the Prime minister of Kamino L...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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