Chapter 12

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(No one pov)
Ursa and Alrich were in the throne room speaking to the Jedi council and Duchess Satine "so our beskar search is resolved now that we know about this group of Mandalorian Obi-wan said "Children of the watch, I only have heard about this Creed in the ancient text's Satine said "I have, The Children of the Watch are a cult of religious zealots that broke away from Mandalorian society. Their goal was to reestablish the ancient way Ursa said "can they be trusted? Mace Windu asks "according to the text only one Warrior can leave as a way to keep their Creed safe Ursa said "it also says that they aren't allowed to remove their helmet or else they aren't Mandalorian anymore until they bath in the mines of Mandalore Alrich said "it best we don't bothered them if we exposed them or the other clans will try to harm them Obi-wan said "agree Ursa said the Jedi council and Duchess Satine said their fair wells before they end the call. Ursa and Alrich sat down on their throne "if Gar Saxon and Pre Vizsla merge their clans together then we are doom Ursa said "if they do we be ready we got Bridger family support and with the equipment they give us we be ready Alrich said Ursa smile at him "thanks dear Ursa said Alrich smile and grab her hand before he kiss it softly "anytime love Alrich said Tristan enter the room "mother, where is Sabine she was pose to meet us in the training room? Tristan asks "she is busy with Bridger training they are on the Field Ursa said "training?He is a Jedi he should know how to fight Tristan said "in Jedi ways yes but not Mandalorian that the point son Alrich said "I know you don't trust him but give it time you see he will be a great Allie Ursa said Tristan didn't say anything to his parents.


Sabine and Ezra were near the forest and she was helping Ezra practice with his blaster but he wasn't having any luck with it. A Blaster round flew past a rock and hit the ground Ezra who had his blaster in his right hand aim at the rock and fire again but miss again "no no no you off again Sabine said as she walked up to him "a blaster is tricky Jedi don't use them Ezra said "well that is why we are training become a Mandalorian you need to Master the use of a blaster now try again Sabine said Ezra lift his arm up and aim at the rock he force on the rock and fire but it nail the tree Ezra sigh "I know why Master Kenobi told me Jedi don't use blasters Ezra said "Ezra you're putting to much muscle in the trigger here let me show you Sabine said as she lift his arm up and bend it a bit down "now take a deep breath Sabine said Ezra take a deep breath Sabine put her hands on his hips and made it where they are turn a bit before she use her feet to kick his feet closer "okay now force on the rock let yourself be calm then exhale when you fire Sabine said Ezra force on the rock then he exhale as he fire the blaster round nail the rock leaving a Scorch mark Ezra smile "I got it Ezra said Sabine smile and chuckle"nice now again Sabine said Ezra got back into his stance. Ketsu watches from a distance it amusing her to see Sabine train Ezra "how it going Tristan asks as he walks up to her "not well first time kid held a blaster Ketsu said Tristan grunt in disbelief "hey, give him a chance like what you did for me Ketsu said as she bump his hips with her playful "I know but do you really believe that peace would last?Tristan asks "what do you mean?Ketsu said "we both know that Jedi and Mandalorian have been at war for thousands of years how long would peace last between Sabine and the kid Tristan asks "I know you and a few others don't agree with this what choice do we have?The other clans are on Mandalore protecting the Capital we are on our own but with Bridger and Republic help we can protect our territory and more importantly balance Ketsu said Tristan sigh as he and Ketsu watch them train for the day.

*Guard campsite*

A few clan Warriors were sitting down by a campfire well security bots and drone patrols in the area "I give the Lothian some Credits they made incredible weapons a Warrior said Sabine and Ezra join the warriors with Tristan's and Ketsu as well "hey what the Jedi doing here?One of them asks "My Mother has asked him to join the patrol for the tonight Sabine said as she and Ezra sit down the Warrior just stood up and grabbed his blaster before he walked away. Ezra sigh softly "hey don't let Derek get to you he been like that since he joined the clan A warriors said "The name is Bill, this is Lucas, Felix and Steve Bill said as each one of them shook hands with Ezra "it a pleasure Ezra said "I know some of the other warrior don't like a Jedi in the clan but we don't mind it Bill said "yeah we agree with Countless choices Lucas said "yeah but I get it Ezra said. They say by the fire in silence "hey kid what that you got around your neck? Felix asks Ezra grab his necklace "it is a kyber crystal I found in a hidden temple Ezra said "a temple?Where?Steve asks "on lothal when I was 5 Master Yoda along with my Master Kanan and Anakin, Obi-wan and Ashoka arrive on lothal in search for Allie's Ezra said as he begins to tell the Story.

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