Chapter 9

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(Ezra pov)
I was in the training hall with Ursa and Sabine today I was going to start learning their ways "now Ezra we Mandalorians fight kinda like Jedi but stronger we go for our enemy weak spots all we do is study their movement Ursa said "your goal is to take down Sabine and find her weak spot Ursa said Sabine crack her neck before she step up "now remember find their weak spot Ursa said Sabine and I stood across each other before we got into our stance Sabine went for a punch I block it then she use her left hand to hit my side I took a step back before I did sweep her leg making Sabine trip but she fell on both hands and did a back flip kicking me in the face Before she sweep her leg under mine making me drop on my back. Sabine stood up "I win she said with a smile I groan before I use my hand and kick myself back up 'lucky I said "luck doesn't count when you train by mandalorian Bridger Sabine said "alright Sabine you did good bridger but remember to defeat your enemy go for their weak spot Ursa said I nod my head "again!Ursa said Sabine and I got back into our stance before we started throwing our hits and blocks them.


(No one pov)
Satine was on her throne talking to one of the members of Clan Elder "make sure those medical supplies reach the hospital those children need them Satine said "don't worry Duchess Clan Elder will make sure they reach the Hospital he said as he bow before leaving Bo-Katan enter the throne Room "Katan any news on our Baskar investigation?Satine asks "not good all the mine Baskar shipment were sent here all the time I even ask the Clans and they haven't seen anything at all Bo-Katan said Satine let out a sigh "we need to find out how Baskar is getting off world Satine said "don't worry sis I handle it Bo-Katan said "thanks sis Satine said then a member of Clan Creed rush in out of breath "Duchess our communication just pick a transmission from the planet Alderaan Separatist Forces are attacking in force and Emperor Organa is asking for help He said Satine and Bo-Katan look at each other. Satine and Bo-Katan were talking to the Jedi council "sorry to interrupt Masters Jedi but moments ago one of Clan Creed members just told me that Alderaan is under attack and Emperor Organa is in trouble Satine said the Council look at each other "this isn't good If Organa is captured or worst then the Republic is doom Obi Wan said "I can have the nearest clan to rescue him Satine said "our remaining Force are in orbit keeping the Separatist ships out but our ground units are falling quickly Mace Windu said "send your warriors duchess you will, we let our forces know Master Yoda said as they close the channel "contact Ursa and have Bridger send to Alderaan Satine said as she look at Bo-Katan.


Sabine and Ezra enter the throne room to see Ursa talking to Satine "mother what's going on?Sabine asks "Satine is asking for us assistance Ursa said "mainly Bridger's we pick up a transmission from Alderaan it Emperor's Organa asking for help Satine said "help?with what?Ezra asks "Separatist Force are breaking through Republic blockade and what left the Republic Force are taken defence position near the Palace the Jedi council have asked for us to get Organa out before it to late Satine said "if we lose Organa then the Republic will lose this war Ezra said "Indeed Bridger you Sabine and Ketsu will rescue Organa Ursa said "my shop has a built-in cloaking device Separatist ships won't detect us Ketsu Said "then leave at once I'm afraid the Republic won't last long Satine said Ketsu Ezra and Sabine nod their head before they ran to the hanger.

*Alderaan (orbit)*

Separatist ships and Republic Ships engage with each other in a very deadly firefighter. Fighters and interceptors shoot down each other in space crashing into the ships or taken down by the cannons. Admiral Turk was in the Republic Venator deck assisting with the battle "sir we got fighting inbound from the west a clone said as the ship shook aggressively "Shields at 45% a Clone said "keep pressing the attack we need to wait until our back up reach us I just hope our forces are okay planet side Turk said to himself. The city of Alderaan was in flames as explosives were heard all over the area with Separatist Vulture droids in the air shooting Republic Z-95 fighters and ARC-170 fighters as well. A Clone Rifleman fires his blaster at the droids as a Clone ran to cover "THEY BROKEN THROUGH THE FRONT LINES! He said an arc trooper fired his pistol "I LOST CONTACT WITH THE CAPITAL!He said a Clone stopped firing his DC-11 blaster "THERE TOO MANY OF THEM!He said as Blaster Bolt hit a Clone in the head right back by him killing him a Heavy Clone trooper fired his Z-6 rotary blaster Cannon at the Droid's "STAND FAST! He said as a rocket exploded in front of him launching him back into the barricade On top of a small building was two B1 battle Droid's and one B2 super battle Droid firing at the Clones "DIE REPUBLIC DOGS A B1 Droid said as several blasters shot flew pass them before they were all three of them were taken down from the back a Clone Commando come charging in firing his blaster the Clone Commando name was Achilles

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