Chapter 11

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(Ezra pov)
Me Luke and Leia were in the main chamber with Sabine and her family "so what brings the Skywalker twins this far from Coruscant?I ask "our father ask the both of us to investigate the Beskar assassin Leia said "so we have been asking a few of our contacts with they have anything and we got a lead Luke said "really?what kind of lead?Ursa asks "some of the locals on Mos Espa have been sightings of a fully armoured Mandalorian walking around there Luke said I notice the clans were whispering to each other "do you know what clans he is in?Alrich asks "no sir but from what we gathered he seems to be the only one Luke said "Mos Espa? isn't that Hutt territory?Ketsu asked "it was about a week ago Jabba the Hutt and Bib Fortuna were killed Leia said "by who?no one dares to take on the Hutt cartels Sabine said "by a Bounty Hunter and son of Jango Fett....Boba Fett Luke said which made the hall silent"I don't know this....Boba Fett please lighten us Ursa asks "Boba Fett is the Son to the Clone Creator Jango Fett, he was given to Jango so he can pass on his scales to him Luke said "Boba Fett tried several times to assassinate Master Windu the Jedi who killed his father Leia said "I Heard about that Kanan told me how the war Started I said "and it seems he taken over Mos Espa Luke said Ursa hum to herself "then it a best lead we got Ursa said "we are on our way there but we decided to tell you so you can report to the Duchess Luke said "I will and thanks Ursa said Luke and Leia nod their heads "before we go do you think we can borrow Ezra Leia asks I notice Sabine took a step forward "for what exactly? Sabine asks "we figure that an extra Jedi wouldn't hurt and besides it could give us time to catch up Luke said Ursa and Alrich look at each other "very well I send bridger and Sabine with you Ursa said "very well let go our ship is ready Luke said as he and Leia had to the door well Sabine and I follow.

Luke and Leia ship left Knowest before it jumped into Hyperspace. Luke put the ship in autopilot "it will be some time until we reach Tatooine so in the meantime relax Luke said "so Ezra how this special mission you are on? Leia asks "well it has been..... difficult I said "well i suppose trying to bring peace between the Jedi and Mandalorian is tricky Leia said"yeah so try not to screw it up for us Luke said "screw up?like that time you try to sneak out of the Temple to see a certain Twi'lek Padawan?I said with a smirk well Luke shook his head with a small smile "Hey I been reading the report our father has been sending us and some of them are interested Leia said "we also read the report about Lothal you encounter Wedge?Luke said "wait! you knew him as well!? Sabine asked "yes we all do Both Me Leia and Luke train together with Wedge were we the next Jedi to be trained for war I said "we all know what Wedge really did on Yavin 4 Leia said "but from what the report said it seems Wedge is targeting you especially Luke said "it because Wedge blame me for him being expelled from the order I said "well if we encounter Wedge let see how he handle the Three of us Luke said as he lean back in his seat.

*Separatist main base(Serenno)*

(No one pov)
Wedge was in the training hall he was taking on two heavily armour training droids. Wedge dodge underneath a metal arm before he sliced off it then jumping over the second before bringing down his second sabers cutting through the training droid the first droid grab Wedge by his shirt but Wedge space the droid arm off before he slash across the sides. The training door open Count Dooku entered the room with General Grievous "my Master Wedge said as he kneel "my student are you done with training?Dooku asks "yes Master just blowing off some steam Wedge said "I have a mission for you on Tatooine Dooku said "Tatooine? what is on Tatooine Wedge asks "our Allies have reported that the Republic are heading to Tatooine I want you to follow them and see what they are doing out there Dooku said"don't worry my Master I won't fail you Wedge said "you better not or else Grievous will have another saber to his collection Dooku said as he and Grievous left the room as General Grievous let out a maniac laugh Wedge made a fist as he look at him. Wedge walked to his ship with a small squadron of Droids that were waiting for him to arrive.

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