Chapter 14

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(Anakin pov)
I was speaking to the Queen of Naboo about the recent battle that happened almost a few hours ago with this new enemy I have never seen before. The queen of Naboo turned to me "Naboo surfer the wrath of Dooku every time we get involved she said "my apologies your highness, that your beautiful planet was Force into his war I said "don't be Master Skywalker I assume that I had to join a side at some point she said "Sir pardon me for interrupting Jesse said "no need Jesse what is it?I asked him "the medical team patch up Your wife sir she wishes to see you Jesse said "go be with your wife The queen said I nod my head before I walk to the tent. I entered the tent to see Padme had a cast on her left arm well a few bandages were on her face she turned to me and smiled at me "Ani!she said I rush to her and hug her tightly "oh my beloved wife I thought you were really hurt I said "she would be fine General, just some scratches and miner cut but her arm will be in a cast for a few months until it heals Kixs said "thanks Kixs I said he nod his head smd left the tent so me and Padma could have some alone time. I sat beside her on the bed well she lay her head on my shoulder "how Omega?and Rex?Padme asks "Rex is going to be fine he is a tough Captain and Omega she be okay too, I ask Jesse to tell Bad batch about this they be here soon I said then I heard Padma sigh "Padme this isn't your fault I said "but it is!if I have listened to you I would have never have lost the relic Padme said "Padma I don't care about the relic and the Jedi council doesn't either what matters to us is your safety I said as I hug her she lean into my hold embrace my warmth I was giving her.

I left Padme to rest so I decided to check on Rex and Omega. I entered the tent to see Rex had his chest piece off as a medic wrapped him up in bandages "how is my captain?I asked "I'm fine sir, ready for duty Rex said but winces in pain as he tries to stand "easy Rex you been through enough I'm ordering you to rest and recover both of you I said as I see Omega laying next to him she had a bandage wrap around her head with bandages on her check "how are you feeling kid?I asked her "bang up sir, it was a lot of action I am used to Omega said "don't worry kid you did okay out there I said "how.. Padme is she okay?Omega asks "she is just worried about her little helper I said "she is not the only one who worried about her a voice said I turn to see Bad Batch standing behind me "Hunter Omega said in a happy tone I stand up so he and his team can sit next to bed "hey kid how you feeling? Wrecker asks as he places a stuff worn out bunny next to her and she hugs it tightly "I'm fine now that you're here Omega said Wrecker chuckle as he sits next to her "General good to see you Echo said "you too Echo I said "can we speak to you alone Hunter asks I nod my head and step out of the tent Hunter Tech Echo and Wrecker exit the tent behind me "so I'm guessing you heard what happened here?I asked "we did after we helped General Luminara we flew straight here Hunter said "yeah now tell us who did this to one of our members so we could return the favorite Wrecker said "Easy Wrecker we don't know who this enemy is?Echo said "yes from what I saw it was three skill Warriors and the leader was a droid I said "a droid? Wrecker said "but this droid was different I said "how different?Echo asks "this Droid bested Bridger, Rex, Scorch and two Mandalorians he killed one of them I said "do you have any data on this for?Tech asks "just the report that all I said "well it seems the Separatist has a new Sith Allie Hunter said "yeah if he can take our Bridger and his friend then we are in trouble I said "so what's the plan?we hunt this guy done? Hunter asks "Yeah!get from payback for Omega Wrecker said "not until the Jedi council decided what to do and we need to warn the Jedi that aren't at the temple about this guy I said a clone rifle man walked up to me "general the council has requested you He said to me. I enter my shuttle and open the channel hologram of the Jedi council appear in front of me "Master Skywalker, report from Naboo you discovered? Master Yoda asks "it seems what we all felt in the force wasn't a warning, it was a sign that we are all in danger I said "please explain young Skywalker Master Plo-koon asks "a couple of hours ago Padme and Omega discovered a hidden relic on Naboo which led me to travel here to escort her to Coruscant but once I arrive I heard explosions so me and my battalion ran to the palace once we reach the palaces I saw Bridger on the ground wounded with these people standing above him i said as I show them the image "these three unknown warrior fought ruthless and were determined to take the relic Padme has dug up I said "so where did they go?where did they come from? Master Aayla asks "unknown our fighters reported that a huge ship that is three times the size of our Vendors appears from darkness before jumping into Hyperspace I explained to them I noticed some of the Masters were whispering to each other "this new threat, danger to Jedi Master Yoda said "what can you tell us about this....metal creature? Windu asks "this creature her name is Sabrina a member of a Elite Warriors called Defender's I said showing them an image of her "I have read about this Defenders until, they were powerful robotic beings the ancient spoke about them Kit-fisto said ",well she told me that this...Apex fella was one of her people and he served Darth Malgus I said which made everyone look at each other "Darth Malgus was killed centuries ago how can someone from that time still be alive? Master Depa Billaba asks "the Force is the answer, work in many ways it does, kept him alive it has Master Yoda said "I don't think that Apex is a Force user I felt the evil within him but he wasn't a Sith I said "I also noticed that he was emblem on his shoulder Obiwan said as he zoom in on Apex shoulder "I heard about this it is a old warrior status where each enemy he killed he take the emblem of that person as a sign of who he fought Master Tera Sinube said "so these emblem are people he killed Windu said "indeed I study every emblem in the Jedi texts he has a emblem for a Elite Warrior Master Tera Sinube said as he point to it

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