Chapter 8

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(Ezra pov)
I was at the command tent with Kanan and Ashoka talking to the Jedi Council's and my parents about what happen "Typhoon have been secured the Separatists force's are in full retreat Kanan said "excellent work Master Jarrus and you two Tano My dad said "anytime sir Ashoka said "Padawan Bridger read the report we did, your encounter with Wedge you had Master Yoda ask "yes Master it seems Wedge made his way to Dooku after he was kick out of the order I said Yoda made a small hum "dangerous he is, target you he will Yoda said "don't worry Master you train me well to defend myself I said Yoda nod his head "we also read that a assassin was on Typhoon My dad ask "yes sir he killed the Prime Minister and our weapons didn't do any damage to his armour Gwen said "I do believe it Beskar Mandolarian steel Obi-wan said "isn't that design to deflect Blaster bolts?I ask "and Lightsabers it the Strongest steel ever on Mandalore it so strong not even a lightsaber can't cut through it My mom said "we must inform the Duchess she may know who shipping Beskar off Mandalore Kanan said "we will Master Jarrus but Lothal main mission is to restore order to Typhoon with the Prime Minister dead the senator will be next my dad said "so we got a plan?I ask "I'm sending Lothal 34th battalion with 4 orbital platforms they take over for Master Tano they will restore order here My dad said Master Yoda nod his head "Master Tano, Master Jarrus return to the temple you will, plan our next move we will Yoda said as they nod their head before closing the channel "I hope we find that Assassin I said "don't worry Ezra the Republic will find him no matter where he hides Ashoka said I nod my head "well my student we must return to Coruscant and you are needed on Knownest Kanan said I sigh "I know I said "hey I heard about this it be a good chance to bring Mandalorians to the Republic Ashoka said "yeah I know I mean they so many resource we could use but if it bring peace between us I do my part I said Kanan and Ashoka smile "good see you later Bridger Ashoka said as she and Kanan walk away then I saw Sabine ship flying towards me.

*At Separatist Main Base*

The Separatist Fleet were stations on a planet on the outer rim. Wedge enter a large Control room with Battle droids on each side working Wedge saw Count Dooku speaking with Separatists Generals "I expect you all do you your part in this war we still have outpost in Republic space and a couple of planets in our hold we crush the Jedi and the Republic Count Dooku said as the Generals nod their head before leaving "my student you return Count Dooku said Wedge kneel down to him "the mission was a failure master Wedge said as he look at the floor "has I expected but even without the Republic Reinforcement we would have still lost Count Dooku said Wedge look at him "I almost had the city but then Bridger show up Wedge said Count Dooku spun around "their son?I see he the one who expose you to the Jedi Council Count Dooku said Wedge nod his head in agreement "yes which is why the next time I see him he won't walk away!Wedge said then a loud cough was heard with heavy footsteps approaching "i told you Dooku never send a child to do a general work a deep voice said Wedge stood up and turn around to see General Grevious walking in with his arms behind his back "Lothal is stronger and advance a simple droid strike wouldn't work no matter the planning General Grevious said "like you can do better Wedge said "I can do better I am a skill warrior and you still a child General Grevious said as he put a hand on Wedge Shoulder but Wedge shove his hand off him "you got something to say rust bucket!Wedge said General Grevious growl as he grab Wedge by his armour then lift him in the air before grabbing one of his many lightsabers "ENOUGH!Grievous drop my student Count Dooku said General Grevious let go of Wedge "my student mission was a total failure but now we know the layout of Lothal ground defences now we need a way to get inside and destroyed the controls Count Dooku said "it not easy even I had to cut my way through Clone's we can handle but those Lothal Guard's they are tricky Wedge said "you misunderstood my dear student loyalty can be easily bought Count Dooku said as he walk down the steps "what about the assassin we hired?have he taken my contract?Count Dooku said "no he said working for you is logical what ever that means Wedge said "everyone has their prince find him and let me know Count Dooku said as he leave the room.

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