Chapter 6

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(Sabine pov)
I was speaking to my mother well the other's help the clone's "the King an Queen thanks for our help and are willing to help us with supplies, weapons. Ammo and including fighters as well I said "tell them I said thanks and I send a list of supplies we need to your com Ursa said "sure mother see you soon I said as I close the channel then Tristan walk up to me "I don't see why mother send us we didn't want to be part of this war if the Separatist see us here then they could attack Tristan said "Tristan we are here to help Ezra he will be one of us soon I said as I walk by him. I walk outside to see ships lifting the heavy pieces of the wall off the ground as small drones hover in front of the wall or turrets fixing them I see Clones that were at a medical tent getting look at "hey Sabine a voice said I look to see Ezra walking up with a bandage around his shoulder "what happen to you?I ask "Wedge got a hit on me but I live Ezra said "good so how is everyone?I ask "well most of the palaces main defences were destroyed, we lost more then dozen of clone and a couple of Guards were killed or wounded Ezra said "but don't worry we will rebuild Ephraim said as he and his wife walk up to us "my mother send me a list of what we need I said as he transfer the list to him Ephriam look at his data-pad "soldier give this to inventory droid Ephriam said "sir yes sir!a clone said then the other Jedi and Twi'lek walk up "hey I never got you two names I ask "my name is Hera Syndulla and this Kanan Jarrus or Caleb Dume Hera said as she nudge Kanan abit with her elbow making Kanan smile "well since you guys here why don't I show you are latest ships we malfunction so far Ephriam said I look at Ezra and the other to see they agree so we follow them inside the palaces.

(No one pov)
Ezra Eprhaim Mira Sabine Tristan Kanan and Hera follow them down a hallway "when the Clones wars started we fear that Lothal would have to choose a side but when Ezra was born with Jedi power we know who to choose Mira said "so when we join the Republic we wanted to do our part in the war so with alittle convincing he manage to create our clones Ephriam said as they enter a laboratory to see alot of cloning chambers inside

Sabine Tristan and the other Mandalorians look in awe as they saw the breeding of Clones or some new batch of Clones were in training "the Jedi Council agree that a second cloning factory was needed in case Kamino ever Fells so we build this Ephri...

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Sabine Tristan and the other Mandalorians look in awe as they saw the breeding of Clones or some new batch of Clones were in training "the Jedi Council agree that a second cloning factory was needed in case Kamino ever Fells so we build this Ephriam said as they walk down a second hallway which lead to a manufacturing room "now this is were we manufactured all of our weapons,ships,orbital stations everything Lothal and the Republic use Mira said as they look at the equipment

Sabine Tristan and the other Mandalorians look in awe as they saw the breeding of Clones or some new batch of Clones were in training "the Jedi Council agree that a second cloning factory was needed in case Kamino ever Fells so we build this Ephri...

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