Chapter 4

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(No one pov)
Ezra sat in the back of Mandalorian ship with Sabine family on their way to Knownest Ezra was sitting with his eye's close "what is he doing? Tristan ask "mediating it help Jedi force's and to calm their minds Alrich said "I think it stupid Tristan said "son you need to be nice to him Alrich said Tristan just look away. The Mandalorians ships exit Hyperspace near the Planet of Krownest their home planet

The ships flew down to the Planet flying to their home Ezra felt the ship shake he open his eyes to see Sabine and her family standing up "come on let me show you your new home Ursa said as the ramp lower down Ezra walk down the ramp to see he was...

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The ships flew down to the Planet flying to their home Ezra felt the ship shake he open his eyes to see Sabine and her family standing up "come on let me show you your new home Ursa said as the ramp lower down Ezra walk down the ramp to see he was standing in snow with alot of tree's around the house with a frozen lake as well

The ships flew down to the Planet flying to their home Ezra felt the ship shake he open his eyes to see Sabine and her family standing up "come on let me show you your new home Ursa said as the ramp lower down Ezra walk down the ramp to see he was...

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Ezra shiver as he step off the ship "kind of cold Ezra said as he shiver again "what wrong kid? Not use to the cold? A Clan member ask "well I been to the Hoth system it colder then here Ezra said as they made their way to the house. Ezra saw a few Clan Wren members were outside some were getting firewood or just walking around "welcome to your new home for the next three months Ursa said a clan member walk up "welcome back Countess he said Ursa Alrich Tristan Sabine walk pass him but for Ezra he look at him even thought he was wearing a helmet Ezra can tell he was starring at him with a mean look Ezra enter the throne room Ursa an Alrich sit down in their throne "well Bridger until the three months are up I aspect you to be a gentlemen well you here Ursa said "yes countless, I be respectful we'll I am here Ezra said "good Tristan can you show Ezra is room Ursa said "yes Mother let go Tristan said as he and Ezra head to the chambers. Tristan show Ezra his room "you be sleeping here I hope it will do Tristan said Ezra walk in the bedroom to see it had a bed near the wall and it was just plain grey room "it ok at the temple the rooms there are simple empty with a bed Ezra said as he put his bag on the bed "well get settle in because tomorrow you be learning how to be a Mandalorian Tristan said as he leave Ezra open the dress her put his clothes in one side then he hang his capes in his closet Ezra sit down on the bed he pull out his com-channel to see it was blinking he turn it on to see Kanan and Hera appear "Master, Hera it good to see you Ezra said with a smile "it good to see you Ezra, how it going over there Hera ask "it ok we did have a run in with death watch but nothing I couldn't handle Ezra said "but you should know that Death watch isn't someone you want to mess with Padawan Kanan said "yes master I understand Ezra said "good but the reason I called is that one of Master Skywalker trooper found a recording during his assault on a separatist outpost Kanan said "about what? Ezra ask "we may believe the Separatist next move will be attacking Lothal Kanan said making Ezra go silent. Ezra look back at Kanan "impossible my home planet defenses are one of the strongest there is no one wouldn't dare to attack Ezra said "which is why I'm on my way to speak to the Jedi Council if there attack on Lothal then we be ready for it Kanan said "I hope so maybe I better called my parents and warm them Ezra said "relax Ezra Lothal defences are the toughest their is no Separatist won't attack Hera said Ezra sigh "fine but if there is then I'm heading to Lothal Ezra said Kanan nod his head then a knock was heard on his door " I better go see you master Ezra said as he end the call Ezra open the door and it was Sabine "oh Sabine what sup?Ezra ask but Sabine shove him back in his room before locking the door.

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