Chapter 15

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(No one pov)
The Jedi council were in the Chambers going over the latest reports on Count Dooku and their new Foe Apex. The holo-image of the entire galaxy was shown for the master's "our forces have managed to secure the inner rim but the outer rim and mid rim systems are still under Separatist control and with the loss of Alderaan we lose our foot hold to begin to take the outer rim Master Kit-fisto said "right now our main Force should be on trying to retake Alderaan back Master Mundi said "no of we try to retake Alderaan our fleet would be wipe out with the defence Alderaan have Windu said "yes they have the planet sealed off with the dome and the turrets will shot down our gunship before any clone can reach the surface Anakin said "find a way we will, lose hope we won't Yoda said "and speaking of Alderaan what new do we got on Commando Achilles? Plo-koon asks "so far his chip is still reading him alive so far all searches on him show up empty Obiwan said "Clone Commandos are tough they won't give up easily even when they are captured Aayla said Ashoka sat in her seat between Anakin and Obiwan "I just hope where Achilles is he doing okay Ashoka said a Coruscant clone appear in the room "sorry to interrupt Generals but we got a incoming transmission from Ryloth it Syndulla sir Clone said the master's sit up straight in their chairs "put him through soldier Mace Windu said Clone nod his head before vanish and a hologram of Cham Syndulla appeared "Master Mace Windu, it good to see you once more Cham said "same to you sir how can we help?Windu asks "as you know the Separatist Forces on Ryloth have been pushed back but recently their Forces have been attacking non-stop Cham said as he lost his balance abit well explosions were going off in the background "our supplies and our ammo are almost depleted and with Separatist Forces continuing their assault I do believe my people will be overrun Cham said "then how can help sir? Windu asks "we need more supplies for our front line fighters our South perimeter will break without any supplies Cham said "don't worry sir I have fresh supplies and men send to Ryloth immediately Windu asks "I thank you but if you don't mind having my daughters and her boyfriend delivered the supplies it be great to see my Hera once more Cham said "of course I have Jarrus and your daughter delivered the supplies Windu said "oh thank you Master Jedi's I am in your debt Cham said as he lose his balance then the transmission ended "he need help right away Anakin said "I have Captain grey start loading up the supplies Obiwan said "I tell Syndulla about her Mission Windu said as they leave the chambers.

*Hera and Kanan share room*

Kanan and Hera were fast asleep in each other's hold Kanan was sleeping on his back as Hera used his chest as a pillow well she kept her hands around his neck and Kanan had an arm around her hips. A soft on their door awoke them a bit but they just ignored it soon the knocking got louder Kanan groan as he rub his sleepy eyes "who can that be at this time of hour Kanan said as he untangle himself from Hera before he pick up his shirt and put it on before walking to the door well Hera got on her robe Kanan open the door to see Master Mace Windu Standing there "Master Windu*yawn*how can I help you at this time?Kanan asks "I'm sorry to wake you two but I got a mission for you Mace Windu said "and this couldn't wait until morning Hera asks "wish it could but this mission is from your father Mace Windu said making both Kanan and Hera look at him "get dress and I make you in the hanger Mace Windu said as he walk away from the room. Mace Windu entered the Hanger with Kanan and Hera behind him Kanan was fixing his robe well Hera put her jacket on "Master Windu what did my Father ask?Hera asks "Separatist launch a full all on assault on your Father and their supplies are almost depleted,  Obiwan is having a few ships being loaded up with ammunition and Soldiers as well Mace Windu said "General Syndulla your ship is ready, all weapons have been stock and fuel level are good to go Captain Grey said "thanks captain, let the boys know we are leaving now Hera said "Roger that ma'am Grey said as he order his men to start loading up "Jarrus a word Msce Windu said Kanan look at her she nod her head before heading to her ship "what is it? Kanan asks "I want you to be on your guard of Apex, he most likely will send one of his warriors to help Dooku so watch yourself Mace Windu said "don't worry master I be sure to my guard up Kanan said Mace Windu nod his head Kanan ran to the Ghost. The Ghost with four Venator leaves Coruscant before entering Hyperspace to Ryloth.

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