Chapter 10

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(Ursa pov)
I was going over the report from our new equipment The Bridger family sent us "all turrets are operational, drones have been filled with everyone name including all of our allies, and weapons are being handed out Tristan said "good once our house is finished I want look out on patrol in 15mins I don't want any more surprises I said "yes mother Tristan said as he walk away "I have to say Bridger family is well helpful Alrich said I nod my head "indeed they maybe a resource ally to us in the future I said as I pick up one of the new rifle "Mark 15 nice weight to it I said as I aim it in the air "aim adjust right I said as I put it down "even after completing your training you still know your weapon Alrich said as he wrap his arms around my hips I smile "well even Countless have to keep up to date I said before we Lean in for a kiss "Madam?a voice spoke we look to see a Warrior in front of us "sorry to interrupt your moment but we may have a problem...from Saxon he said which made me and Alrich look at each other. The Entire clan was gathered in the throne room "about an hour ago we managed to pick up this signal from Clan Saxon himself I said as I showed them the transmission "who was he contacting? Tristan asks "unknown as far we know it could be anyone I said several warriors were mumbling to each other quietly "so I want patrol out immediately and A scout team ready I said as everyone nod their heads "honey what are you going to do?Alrich asked "I take a small team and head to those coordinates I said "you sure?maybe we should wait until Sabine returns Alrich said "no time we both know Saxon he up to something I said as I went to get my gear ready.

*Coruscant(Jedi Temple)*

(No one pov)
Mace Windu, Yoda, Anakin and Obi wan were with Admiral Turk "With Alderaan under Separatist control he lose our foot hold there Anakin said "a lose we took, take Alderaan back we will Yoda said "how Organa? Obiwan asked "he fine both him and his wife are safe Turk said as they enter a small common room we're Kanan, Ashoka and Ezra were waiting "half of Alderaan and Republic forces were wiped out during the last attack Kanan said "what about Commander Achilles? Anakin asks"we lost his signal but his inhibitor chip is still online as far we know he is alive Ezra said Yoda closed his eyes "Despite Dooku is, target senators he is Yoda said "the prime minister on Typhoon was the first, then Organa, who next? Kanan said then the holo-table beep before Plo koon appeared with Wolf beside him "excuses my interruption but I may have a leave on our assassin's Plo koon said "what is it?Ezra asks "we been going through the Droid's files trying to find anything to him but then we scan the tactical droid and we found this Wolf said as he showed them a recording "this droid had the files on him my guest he was the one who was monitor making sure we didn't detect it Wolf said Anakin type on the keyboard "these recording aren't protected but if I bypass the mainframe we should be able to play them Anakin said as he bypass it"we are in Anakin said "play the first one Skywalker Mace Windu said Anakin press play on the first recording

Wedge: you did well Assassin my master will be please

Assassin:Target:kill confirmed, payment: required

Wedge:your payment is being transferred to your account but we have another job for you

Assassin: payment retrieved, second Job: data required?

Wedge:Dooku is offering you a chance to earn a few more credits

Assassin: job details required

Wedge: Dooku want you to eliminate species Republic senate

Assassin: Republic eliminate senator:mission... unacceptable

The recordings ended after that "so Wedge contacted the assassin again but why did he hang up?Anakin asks "the assassin must not want to do it after all most of the Senate are protected by the Republic Ezra said "I know many assassins they won't do anything for money Obiwan said Anakin play a second one

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