Chapter 3

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(No one pov)
Ezra woke up in his guest room in the palace Ezra sit up on his bed and rub his eye's he check the time to see it was 5am in the morning he know everyone was still sleeping so he decide to train for a bit Ezra got out of bed and grab some clothes before heading to the shower to get clean up for the day. After Ezra took a shower he made his way to the sparring room he saw no one wasn't inside "well I like to train alone anyway Ezra said as he made his away to the weights before he got started.
Sabine woke up in her room she sit and stretch her arms she saw Ketsu was still sleeping Sabine got out of bed and head to the training room she put on her armour and grab her helmet and blaster then she head to the sparring room. Sabine stood by the sparring room she saw the door was open abit she look inside to see Ezra working out shirtless he was hanging upside down on a pole as he does sit ups upside down Sabine watch as he does sit ups "55, 56, 56, Ezra said as he count Sabine was surprise he was still going even without breaking a sweat Sabine wall in the room "I see you are up Sabine said Ezra stop and look at her he among forward and did a front slip off the pole he stuck the landing "I see you get up early as well Ezra said "well it my blood but I thought Jedi don't work out Sabine ask "well some of us do I workout to keep my skills sharp Ezra said as he grab a cloth from the bench "well I'm the most skill warrior in my clan I beat everyone of my clan member Sabine said as she lean against the wall "really including your mother?Ezra ask "well not all of them Sabine said Ezra smile "well I train not to keep my skills sharp I train so I can be ready for everything Ezra said "like what?Sabine ask "droids, assassins, bounty Hunter's, drug dealer, everything that trying to kill you Ezra said as he wipe the sweat off his head "well Jedi why don't we see who the better in hand to hand combat Sabine ask with a smirk Ezra look at her "Master Obi wan told me that Mandalorians don't play fair in hand to hand Combat Ezra said "care to find out?Sabine ask Ezra smile at her before he drop his rag "bring it Ezra said as they step on to the matt before they got into their stance. Sabine put her fist up as she put a foot behind her Ezra stance was complete different he stood straight up with one hand behind his back well the other hand was in front of him Sabine made the first move she went for a right swing Ezra step to side dodge her swing then Sabine did a elbow jab but Ezra took a step back then he push her forward Sabine did a back kick but Ezra lean back Sabine start throwing punches Ezra use his other hand to block her punches Ezra grab her by her wrist before he flip Sabine over on her back but Sabine did a spin knocking Ezra on his back and for her to get up Ezra jump back up and went for a kick Sabine block his kick she grab his leg then throw him Ezra stick the landing Sabine charge at him Ezra jump Over Sabine and grab her by her armour before throwing her to the floor Sabine was about to get up but Ezra out a knee on her chest "I win Ezra said Sabine look at him "I took it easy on you Sabine said "I thought I was looking for a challenge Ezra said "oh it a challenge you want?Sabine said as she wrap her legs around Ezra and twist them to the side making Ezra trip and for Sabine to pounce on him.

Ursa was walking down to Sabine room she knock on the door "Sabine?you awake?Ursa ask the door open up to reveal Ketsu "Sorry Countess Sabine not here maybe she is in the sparring room Ketsu said "oh thanks Ketsu Ursa said as she made her way to the sparring room she saw the door was open so she peeking inside to see Sabine and Ezra but Sabine had Ezra in a choke hold as he struggle to break free "is a challenge enough for you Jedi?Sabine ask as she tighten her hold "Sabine Wren! Ursa said as she walk in the room Sabine look up to see her mother standing there with her arms cross "let him go now!Ursa said Sabine let go of her hold on Ezra and stood up Ezra was able to breathe again as he rub his neck "is that how you treat a guest?Ursa said "no it my fault Countess I ask for a challenge and she give me one Ezra said as he get up off the floor Ursa look at Sabine "is this true?Ursa ask "yes mother is true Sabine said Ursa look at her before she look at Ezra "then I let it slide but just this one don't let this happen again Ursa said "yes Mother Sabine said "now let go get something to eat before we leave tonight Ursa said Sabine and Ezra nod their head and head to the dinner hall with Ursa.

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