Chapter 2

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George's POV

   After school Sapnap told Dream that he would drop us both off at my place.

   "What? You're not planning on beating him up or something are you? You hate eachother."

   "Shut up idiot, of course I hate him, but I'd never hit him. Jeez we were just assigned partners for a stupid project and I want to get it done with so I can see less of his disgusting face."

   "Fine whatever, just don't ruin his pretty face"

   I laughed in Saps face and climbed into the passenger seat and heard him respond with a fuck you as he sat in the back.

   The car ride was very uneventful, Sapnap just sulking in the back of the car because I took his front seat.

   But when Dream pulled up to my place Sapnap got out quickly giving dream a goodbye and I looked over at my friend.

   "You sure hes okay to be here? I can drag him back to the car if you want." He looked genuinely concerned but i smiled.

   "Its okay, I'll survive, we need to start the project anyway."

   He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. "If you need just call me I'll come get him."

   With that I climbed out and walked to the front door where Sapnap was waiting impatiently. "Come on, open the door."

   I pulled out my keys and purposely took my time trying every key, which really wasn't many, in the lock.

   "Oh my god, I know you're doing that on purpose just open the fucking door I wanna get this done as soon as possible so I can leave."

   I laughed and opened the door. Sapnap wasted no time in running up the stairs to my room. I sighed as a remembered how we used to spend many afternoons and sleepovers here when we were younger. Before Sapnap started to hate me for no reason.

   When I walked into my Room he wa as already sitting on my bed pulling out a notebook and his laptop from his bag.

   "Okay Georgie, who are we going to research?"

   "Uh idk let's just start looking into different poets. I'm sure no one else has started yet so we dont have to worry about overlapping. And don't call me Georgie."

   "Awe why? You don't like it?" His teasing voice only made me roll my eyes.

   I sat down on my bed next to him and looked at his laptop. "Whatever let's just start working."


   After an hour of getting nowhere I sat up from laying on my bed. "I'm going to get a snack. Want anything?"

   "Wow, that was nice for you, offering me something."

   "I'm just trying to be a decent host, now do you want something or not?"

   Sapnap looked as if he were thinking before giving an answer, "Sure, just get me something to drink. Some sort of soda, whatever you have is fine."

   I walked out my room, glad to be out of his damned presence. Making my way to the kitchen I checked my phone, I noticed I had gotten a few texts. The first one was from my mom saying she would be home late and to get my own dinner. The second was from Dream.

  - Hows Sapnap? Are you guys getting along? Which one of you do I need to beat up?

   I laughed at his text and typed out a response

  -We're fine. Nick is relentless but we've both been mostly civilized.

   I clicked my phone off to look for something to eat. I found a bag of chips, decided they would be good enough if Sapnap wanted a snack too. Then I opened the fridge to take out two cans of Pepsi and made my way back to my room.

   When I got there I found The black haired boy shuffling through my closet.

   "What the fuck Nick? Do you have any sense of privacy? That's my shit."

   He turned around to look at me holding a very short miniskirt. One I only wore when I was alone. I felt my whole face turn red as I tried to stutter out some sort of reason I had it. "Sap, that's not- uh well-"

   "George. While I'm sure you'd look absolutely stunning in this," he made his point by holding it up to me, only proving to turn my face an even deeper shade of red,"Theres nothing in this closet that's good enough for you to wear to my party."

   "What?" What did he mean by that? I wouldn't be going home with anybody dressing how he'd want me to. "Sap I'm not gonna wear your kind of outfit. I'm not picking up any guys wearing that shit."

   "Huh? No! I totally agree you need to dress like yourself, it's an unfair bet if we arent ourselves. I just think you need something new."

   He flashes me a big smile, putting my skirt away then walking over to sling his arm across my shoulder. He takes the snacks from my arm and tosses them on the bed.

   "We aren't getting anywhere on this project. Let's go shopping and pick out outfits to where for eachother."

   "No way! I'm not letting you pick out some stupid shit for me!.

   "Georgieee, you'll get to find something for me too, so if you domt like what I get you, then you can get something embarrassing for me too."

   I duck my way out from under his arm and point at the door, "Fine, just get in the car. I'll be out in a moment."

   Sapnap makes a deal of pumping his fist in victory and walks out of my room. As soon as I know hes out I walk back to my closet and take out the skirt he had looked at. Nows as good of a time then ever to wear it. Right?

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