Chapter 3

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Trigger Warning - sexual thoughts, bullying/harrasment or something

Sapnaps POV

   I waited semi-patiently at the car in George's driveway. Tapping my shoes in annoyance as I wondered what was taking him so long. But when he finally stepped out of the house I couldn't help but stare.

   He had changed into the skirt I admired from his closest. It barely covered his ass, and hugged his wait perfectly. And though I'd never admit it out loud, he looked stunning. The short clothes didnt leave much to the imagination but it still left you craving more.

   I quickly turned to hide my half hard erection and scowled. This was exactly why we I pushed him away. I couldn't stand the way guys looked at him. The look in their eyes hinting that they wanted to devour him. I'd even caught Dream staring at him on occasion and wanted to hit him. No one was allowed to looked at George like that.

   Especially me. I couldn't look at him like that. I like girls. Not boys.

   "You're wearing that?" I rolled my eyes. "You really do just want attention."

   "You were the one admiring it earlier, I bet you like it."

   George walked closer to the vehicle swaying his hips as he walked, I had to look away.

   "As if. I'd like it on a girl, but not you."

   I only got a huff in response as he unlocked the door and slid into the seat. Following him I closed the door and looked down at my baggy sweatpants. They were enough to hide myself, but I still slid my hands over my lap in embarrassment.

   How many times had this happened? Having to hide myself in front of George? Too many perhaps, it couldn't keep happening. I had to get him out of my mind, it was only making me confused. He always made me confused. I'd never looked at another male the way I saw him. The only thing I could do was chalk it up to how he dressed. And maybe my fucked up mind was just imagining he was a girl. That's it.

   I realised I had gotten lost in my thoughts when I felt the car stop and saw we were already in the parking lot. Sighing as I knew my hard on hadn't gotten any better I uncomfortably got out of the car and stretched.

   "God George you're as bad at driving as you are at everything else."

   "Yeah right Sapnap, you weren't even paying attention, caught up in you're own little world there. I tried talking to you multiple times and you just stared. We're you thinking about naked girls or something?"

   He started walking towards the entrance of the small mall and I muttered a response, "Or something."

   As we walked inside I immediately grabbed his wrist and smiled, dragging him off from store to store looking for something that would look good on him.

   Finally as I was searching through some upper-end store, I found a small red dress. The back was low cut, with lace surrounding the back zipper, and the strap wrapped around the neck. Without thinking too much I smiled and handed it to george pushing him into an opened dressing room.

"Dont forget to show me!" I shouted at him after he'd been in there a little bit.

   "Yeah, yeah." I heard him mutter back before opening the door and stepping out. He spun around slowly giving me a perfect view. It fit snug to his body, accentuating his curves well. On anyone else it may have been longer but it barely covered his ass. And god did I love it.

   I heard a cough and shot my head up to look at his pretty face. A dark blush laid on his face and he scratched his neck.

   "Are you sure about this one Nick? I mean I don't wear too many dresses, just skirts, I just dont think I look that good in them. And-and this is an expensive store I can't afford this. Plus-"

   I cut him off by pushing him back into the dressing room, "It's perfect George, amd don't worry about the cost I'll pay for it. Just change so you can go and find me something."

   And it didnt take too long to do that. He ended up just picking out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, skinny jeans not being my style but he insisted, and a white dress shirt. He tried to pay for the outfit, as I had paid for his but I refused.

   "Fine, then at least let me take you to the food court and buy you something."

   I leaned in towards his face smirking, "Awe is little Georgie asking me on a date?"

   "This wasn't already a date? I mean you practically begged me to come here with you and then you paid for everything." His voice shook with false confidence as he tried to tease me back. "Also, don't call me Georgie."

   Instead I pulled away and gestured him to follow me to the food court.

   "If you say so Georgie."

   In the end, neither of us were too hungry and both ended up with a slice of pizza and a soda. We made our way to a table, and as I set my food down I heard someone call out.

   "Hey guys, look over there," I turned my head to see a group of three boys heading over two us, one just setting his arm down from pointing at George. "Hes wearing a skirt."

   They laughed and I saw George look down at his plate.

   "Are you confused? I mean you look a lot more like a woman than a man. Are you trying to get attention? I mean you've gotta be gay or something right? Dressing like that is pathetic."

   George seemed to shrink even smaller at his words.

   "What the fuck man? Have some respect. Leave us alone." I usually tried to keep quite in these situations, but I didn't like how George reacted.

   "Awe come one," he looked me up and down, "You look like you have some common sense. Why are you here with this slut? Did you drag him into this?"

   I heard my chair squeak as a stood up quickly looking him in the eye, "You have no right to call him that. Get. Lost."

   The man got up in my face, he may have looked intimidating if I wasn't taller than him. "What are you gonna do about it?"

   "I could."

   I felt a hand around my arm tugging me away, "Sapnap, no, it's okay, let's just leave."

   God I couldn't argue with that. I turned to look at George and saw tears in his eyes.

   "Listen to your boyfriend. It's not like you'd beat me anyway. Hes a whore and a pathetic waste of a man. Seems you are too."

   I watched the first tear slide down George's face and heard him give a little sob. My vision went red and as quickly as I could I turned around and threw a fist in the strangers face.

   Next thing I knew I was pinned to the ground.

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