Chapter 8

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Sapnaps POV

   The weekend passed in a blur, I hung out with the team, everyone teasing me about how I dissapeared halfway through the night, everyone trying to figure out who I was with. I just laughed it off, telling them that they'd figure it out soon enough. Of course I didn't want to pretend like it wasnt a big deal, and I knew they wouldn't care, everyone was supportive of Dream after all. But I just didn't think I wanted everyone to know yet.

   I had managed to ask Dream for George's number, explaining it was just to talk about our project when he questioned me. I knew he didnt believe me and he teased me relentlessly all day.

   Saturday evening I sat staring at George's contact for half an hour trying to type out a text, but nothing was ever good enough. I only ended up throwing my phone across the room and letting out a frustrated sigh.

   Monday morning came quicker than expected, and there I was sitting in Dreams car, watching George walk out of his house.  He had on a white skirt, barely visible underneath the oversized blue sweatshirt. It my my sweatshirt. I felt a blush cover my face as I realised he was wearing my clothes.

   And were those..? He didn't cover the hickeys covering his next, leaving most of it looking a nice purple shade. Oh. I didn't need to think about Friday, now was not a good time to get excited.

   George sat in the backseat and Dream turned his head to look back at him, "So guys, who won your stupid bet?"

   "George did." To that I got an extremely confused look from both of them.

   "I did?"

   "He did? But what about that girl I saw you with-"

   I laughed and smacked Dreams arm, "Buddy, look at what George is wearing."

   "Well i mean its someone's sweatshirt obviously, is it Chase's?"

   Was my best friend really that dense? "Dream come on, you've seen that sweatshirt many times, it's not Chases."

   After a moment, I watch as Dreams eyes go wide in realization and he turns his head back and forth, looking at the both of us, "George is who you dissapeared with?! I knew it! Sapnap you like George!"

   I watched as the small brunette shrunk into my clothing, his face red as an apple.

   "Dream, George and I have agreed that neither of us knew what that was, we're just gonna stay friends"

   "Ye-Yeah!" I watched George mess with the strings of the hoodie and smiled. I couldn't placed the feeling I had, why I was so happy just from seeing him in my clothes. I'd never felt like this with anyone, none of my past girlfriends could make me feel so happy, they'd always just been there to make me feel less alone. And it never worked, but George, maybe it had only been a week, but I knew if I didn't lose these feelings quick, I was fucked.

   Throughout the first half of my day, all I could think about was George. He was beautiful when he blushed, the red tint complimented his features perfectly, and it was so easy to make him do it. I especially loved when I was the one to make the boy blush. Even the way he fit into my clothes was adorable, the sweatpants I had given him saturday, though small on me, were still oversized on him. And the sweatshirt, just remembering he had worn it to school made me smile. I knew we were supposed to be taking things slow, but I had hope, he wouldn't have worn it so soon if he didnt feel something too.

   I only tried to take my mind off of the small brunette when I began to think about Friday night. I'm sure George remembered more, as he had less to drink, but the parts I remembered still proved to cause problems. They were not thoughts to have during school.

   When lunch time came around, I sent a text to Dream, telling him I would be at practice. There was no requirement, it was just an agreement the team had to get some workouts in during lunch unless we had plans. I wanted to see George so I decided to skip. I didnt know if George sat with other friends during lunch, I knew he didnt leave the school though, considering Dream was his ride.

   Making my way to the lunch room, I decided if I didn't see him there I'd text him. Instead, as I turned a corner a little too quickly I found myself face first into someone's back.

   "Ah, sorry man, I wasnt looking-"

   "Nick." The way my name rolled off his lips was cold, I looked up from my feet to connect eyes with Chase.

   "Hey Chase!" I figured with the way he said my name, he was not happy about Friday, "about the party-"

   He cut me off a second time, "No problem,  I mean, I'd only known George a few days, and we'd all been drinking. We all make mistakes."

   The tone in his voice said it was very not okay, and I knew for sure it was no mistake that George ended up with me and not him.

   "Great! Have you spoken to George yet?"

   "Actially I have, he said nothing came out of its and it was just sex," Just sex? George said that? "I know you two have never been on good terms, so this whole taking it slow thing, wrong choice. I've started out good with him, I have a better chance."

   Oh hell no, "As if," I raked my eyes over his body, "I'm a whole lot better than you. Maybe you have more experience, but I know George better. I know what he likes."

   "Looks aren't everything."

   "Of course not, now if you'll excuse me, I would like to find some food." I wasn't hungry anymore, I just needed to get away from Chase before I did anything, I knew George wouldn't be happy.

   "Okay, but just know Nick, if you want something, you've got to act fast, or someone else is going to take it."


A/N - hiii, I've been updating without a schedule, but still decently consistent. But uh, I work everyday for the next 6 days. I'll still do my best to write and try to get a chapter up at least most days but I cant promise anything since work drains me

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