chapter 11

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i can't get caught up in relationship shit "fuck" you sighed grabbing your bag leaving. maybe just one person, i can't be a loner at 23 i haven't fuck anyone in 4 years probably someone at the party one night stand. i don't know if i look prettier now i mean i'm getting old my daughter is all ready 3 turning 4 next month. i kinda want another child but i don't wanna go through them stomach pains again so i can wait 6 more years or so. i start the car and drive off to my destination, i pull up to the house it was nice and big. very white and polish like some rich people home. i notice it wasn't a lot of people there, there was a lot of expensive cars mines not that expensive but it's what ever. i got greeted in by one of the guards "y/n right" he said shaking my hand "yes sir" you said smiling nicely "ok your off the list go ahead in" list??? this sound more luxury then i thought.

he walks me in by my hand to this fancy room "this is the waiting room pls wait in til john gets you" he said while walking out "ok" you said in a low tone getting comfortable in the chair. you took your phone out to check on your daughter, you called her ipad. you see derek answer the call "y/n say hi to the vlog also you lookin very pretty right where you at?" he said holding the camera up you couldn't help it to smile "uhh i'm at a party i'm just waiting for someone and thank you" you said joyfully "wanna talk to grace?" he questioned, the man walk into the room "y/n are you ready to come to the party ma'am" he said with his hands together "uh yah sure" you grab your bag and walk with him. you forgot you was on the phone with grace "mommy are you there" she said with her face in the screen "oh hey baby" the man looked back at you "you have a daughter?" he questioned "yah she's 4 she getting big tho you know kids" you chuckle but he didn't laugh he had a straight face "okkk umm baby you ok" you ask her "yes mommy derek dog is pretty" aww derek still got that dog i'm not surprised "aww tell derek im not gonna be call soon ok baby" you said ready to hang up "yes mommy love you".

"love you too" you hung up and put your away, we turned and corner and there we were the party there was a lot of people unexpected "hello everyone this is y/n" he said greeting you "heyyy" "hiii" everyone said you wave hi to them before going to the bar. you took a seat "so you must be y/n i heard about you a lot" you look up to see cohen. your heart drop to where you couldn't breathe "y/n are you ok?" you blink and there was a different person "uhh yes i'm sorry i thought you were someone else" you had your hand over your chest trying to catch your breathe "it's ok ma'am i'm just so happy to see you in person you so beautiful" he said handing you a cup "thank you" you smiled grabbing the drink knowing damn well you ain't drinking it, like last time i drunk something and got kidnap hell no. you walk over to the party and started talking to the people "so are you drinking that" he and "no want it?" you said handing it to him "yah" he drunk it and walk off.

"excuse me do you know where a bathroom is i gotta go" you ask a lady "yes around the that corner just keep walking down you should see a door" she said pointing to across the room "thank you so much" you ran where she told you to go. you was walking the hallway in til you heard talking "she fucking 3 now are you kidding me and i haven't seen her yet. shit this is my fuckinh fault" i'm daughter ??? "yes sir she said she turning 4 next month" he said in a shaking voice "get tf outta here" a deep voice said. you kept walking to the bathroom and when you got to the door you saw the man he was standing there, you hurried and shut the door and took your phone out to call for help. you called jimmy im pretty sure he lived somewhere near here "jimmy pick up plss pick up" you cried out "hello" he said "jimmy pls pick me up now plsss i don't wanna be here i think they trying to get me and my daughter plss" you said trying not to cry "send me your location" he said grabbing his keys "ok" you hung up and did what he said. he was only 7 mins away, good let me use this toilet real quick before i leave. 5 mins past you walk out into the hall way again and act like nothing happened you was getting close to the front door before someone stop you "y/n are you leaving" who tf is you "yah i gotta get home and do some work" you lied "ok bye then" they said opening the door. you see jimmy car and you ran to it "drive" he look at you "FUCKING DRIVE NOW" you scream he didn't hesitation and hit the gas. he drives to his house to make sure you are safe or if anyone was following y'all "ok what happened" he ask "i facetime my daughter when i was the party to make sure she was ok and the man fucking ask you have a daughter? i said yah she 3 and like you know when she was turning 4. when i went to use the bathroom i over heard him talking to someone about my daughter and the guy was screaming at him saying like she 3 now i haven't seen her this and that. when they was done he saw me go listening and i ran into the bathroom and called you" you said crying "idk if i'm safe anymore i don't fucking know i just want the best for my daughter and me specially my daughter i don't wanna fucking loose her" you cried.

a/n- i'm watching shameless but umm she not gonna loose her daughter that's all i'm gonna say.

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