chapter 16

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we posted and stuff i went back to cohen who looked bored asf "wanan get a drink" you said smiled in his face "yes plss" he said getting up. grabbing your waist close to him hugging you tight you smiled "clingy much". he kisses your neck and mattia look straight at y'all, you didn't pay him no mind "i love you" he whispers in your ear "stop" you said blushing "awww my baby blushing" he said kissing you. we waited for the server to come so we can get are drink before food. i look around to see if there's any other famous people here, there was hella models, lil nazzz???. mostly any rapper or singer was there. i order a red wine so does cohen "your my son wanna get what i get" you rolled your eyes playfully "mmm i want a son" he said bitting his lips "don't think about it" you said smiling "mannn" he said pouting "cohen give it 5 more years" you said. "hey ma'am did you order two red wines" he said "yes thank you" he sat them on the table, you was ready pick up your glasse into someone hugged you right from behind.

you turned around and saw your mom. she gave you a kiss on the cheek "awww my baby's all grown up where's grace" she ask "his mommas house" you said and she nodded "how have been cohen" she hugging him "very good" she smiles "well i will catch up with y'all later also y/n your father is over there" you look over seeing him talk to lil baby "ooo cohen look" you pointed and your father look up and waved. you waved back. "baby what we doing after this" he said in a tired voice laying his head down "we just got here" you scoff "my back hurt" he groans "ughhhh" you got up and went behind him and started to rub his back. "you feeling ard?" you whispered in his ear to have a private convo "no i'm tired my back hurts, legs are weak" he said laying his head down relaxing "ard we can go home if you want" yah we was planning to stay here for like 2 or 3 days. that interview is gonna be posted next week so that will reveal me and cohen back together and that's his daughter. "come on" you said patting his back, i grab my purse and his arms before we could leave "wait y/nnn" my mom screams "yess" you turned around "ummm your um brother wanted to give you this" brother???? huh "what brother ma your drunk go sit down" you said "no no baby your brother im sorry i didn't have time to tell you" she said seriously "ma let's talk about when i'm home ok" she nodded. we left and got in the car "brother" keeps repeating in my head i do remember playing with some boy when i was little "baby don't stress your self" cohen said.

"broo how tf i am supposed to know i have a brother we don't have pictures together" you said frustrated. maybe that one with the boy who's looks like me idk my parents told me he was my cousin we had pictures of us when i was like 3 like a baby and stuff and there was a young women in the picture . "i can't breathe" you inhale trying to get air "huh" cohen said turning "i c can't breathe cohen stop the car" you took off your seat belt and got outta the car. i fucking hate my parents they better be lucky i respect them "call zani plss" you said "i though y'all wasn't on" you cut him off "plss" you said getting your breathing back together. he dial her number and call her "hello who's this" zani answered "cohen umm y/n said she can't breathe idk what to do" he panicks "give her water she's having a panick atttack and wtf happened" she yelled "your parents said her, her brother wanted to give her something. and she didn't know she had a brother or something" he said confusedly "shit they wasn't supposed to say anything about that where tf is she" she said "getting air across from me" he said "hand her the phone pls" she said.

she explained everything to me i eventually called down why they even kept that from me "he was gonna take you away from us" she said "that bracelet is a tracker throw it away" she said seriously "i didn't take it" you said sternly "i'm coming back home in two days you still live there?" you ask. "no i been moved because sum chris was gonna tryna burn the house down" who tf is chris "who the hell is chris" you yelled "christian are brother" she sighed "his name is christian" she said. "same dad???" you ask "y/n your adopted" she said like if she was ready cry "what adopted??". you hung up at that point.

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