chapter 13

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derek puts the car seat in the car that grace was in sleep. "thank you derek for watching her" you said hugging him "np bye y/n" he waves go back inside.  you strap her in so she won't fall out "she so cute in person" cohen said giving her forehead kisses "yah" you smiled "can i get her next week" he said closing the door "how many days" you open your door "the whole week" he said getting in "mmm i will think about that".

we get to my house he puts her to bed and come back to my room, "so what are we doing now" he say laying on your bed "we? go home" you said pointing to the door. "i gotta shower you better be gone by the time i'm done" you said walking into the bathroom "ok" he said smirking.

i close the door and took my dress off revealing my naked body. you stare at your self for a moment "i need me a boyfriend can keep being horny every night" you said kinda loudly. your door open "y/n i meant to" there cohen goes "get out" you said covering your body "i umm can i shower with you" he said poking his head through the door "cohen if you don't leave and stop looking weirdo" you said grabbing a towel. "so yes or no" he said "no" you turned the shower on "well i'm already in here and saw enough so" he came in and took his shirt off with his pants revealing his big print. "what you acting like you haven't seen a dick print before" he said throwing his boxer off some where getting in.

you wash your self up. while cohen just watch "what?" you mugged him "when did your b" you cut him off "what you expect from a women that have a daughter yes my boobs got bigger i don't like them" you rolled your eyes "i like them" he said smirking "cohen we ain't fucking but you do have a very big dick" you said looking down "your gonna make me act up y/n" he said grabbing you by your waist pulling you close to him. he bites your ear "cohennn what are you doing" you said laughing "making my baby laugh" he said kissing your shoulder, you kinda made a noise when he did that. he kisses your neck, "cohen i'm serious stop" you said pushing him off "what's wrong" he said shocked from your actions "see this is what you want, you want me to fuck you so i can fall into your little trap" you said yelling a little getting out the shower. you put a towel on and dried your self off "i'm sorry i didn't-" you cut him off "cohen i don't give a fuck let me live my life go find someone" you said leaving the bathroom with your clothes.

|cohen pov:| i wanna propose to her but she actually don't want me.

|y/n pov:| i didn't feel like putting my clothes on so i just put a shirt on and some shorts and laid down and scrolled through my phone. i see cohen walk out with his boxer on "come on y/n let me explain baby" he said sitting where i was laying at. he lays his head on yours "i love you i really do it may not seem like it but y/n i haven't been with any girl or anyone i even tried it didn't feel right baby it didn't feel like you" he said looking you in the eyes "how am i supposed to know your not lying" he leans in and kisses you "i love you and i wanna get to know my daughter better be a dad in her life and yours if you let me" you smile and grab his face with both of your hands and kiss him "i love you too" you smiled "ik you would" he said kissing back. "we can right now are daughter is here" you said in the kiss "ok she can go to my moms tomorrow" he said biting your bottom lip "ok ok enough" you said laughing. he lifts the covers and lays your chest "good night baby" he said kissing your boobs "cohen go to sleep" you said rolling your eyes.

a/n- smut???

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