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"What in the world just happened?" Taehyung yells over the faint alarm while you, on the other hand, were on the verge of having a panic attack.

You quickly pulled out your phone to see if there had been anything posted in the senior group chat. Someone had to have said something about what's going on, right?

As soon as you unlock your phone, you immediately wanted to start screaming.

"Ugh!" You yell out in anger, your breathing heavily increasing by the second. It was like the tight space was becoming smaller, and you felt like you were about to pass out.

"What? What is it?" Taehyung asks, clearly concerned with your sudden outburst.

"There's no freaking signal." You quickly showed him by turning your phone towards him before slowly sliding your body down against the side of the elevator, sitting up while curling your legs up into fetal position.

You had to take small, deep breaths to calm yourself down. It would do no good to be panicking right now.

Taehyung urgently rushed to take his phone out of his back pocket, and suddenly his face was glowing from the light of the device.

"I don't have any either." He sighed, bringing two of his fingers up and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well, this just sucks. What are we supposed to do now? We can't even get in contact with anyone!" You were starting to become anxious again.

You tried to think of a bright side to the situation, but even after considering all matters of the sort, but none could come to mind. Heck, you would much rather be in class right now. Anything would be better than being trapped inside an elevator with the person you despise most.

"I guess we just sit back and wait it out. Maybe someone saw us get in the elevator and went to get help. At least we're already getting a break from school." He turned on the flashlight from his phone and sat it on the ground as he laid down, putting his arms behind his head.

Was he being serious right now? How was he so calm at a time like this? This just proved your point of how arrogant and conceited he was.

A few moments later, you saw him moving around from the corner of your eye.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" You look over only to find him pulling his t-shirt over his head and throwing it aside, exposing his fully defined chest.

"Stripping because it's hot in here. Why? Does the sight of my sweaty body make you feel some type of way?" He winks at you and you can't help but want to punch him right there.

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself. I wouldn't even bat you an eye if we were the last two people on Earth."

You couldn't believe he had the nerve to even talk to you like that after what he did.

"Yeah? And why is that?" His voice sounded cocky and within seconds your anxiety turned into anger.

Did he seriously even have to ask? Did he completely forget what happened Junior year, or was he just trying to be a prick?

"You've got to be messing with me right now. Have you forgotten why you weren't allowed back at this school for so long? And speaking of that, how are you even back here? I thought you still had time left?"

"Well, to answer your last question, they decided to let me come back since I was on good behavior and because I had never had any criminal history. My parents also had a say in it, but they had to be really convincing," he said as he nodding his head, clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth, making a slight popping noise.

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