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"Me? What the heck did I do? I haven't had any part in whatever bull crap you two have done."

You truly had no idea what he wanted with you. Taehyung was the one who almost killed him and ruined his life as he put it. It's not like you were the one to tell him to do that. You hadn't done anything that you knew of, so why was he involving you in this?

"Ah, well, that's where you're wrong, sweetheart. We all know you play a special part in this."

You shot him a confused look, and he seemed shocked by your reaction.

"Ah, he didn't tell you?" He looks away from you and towards Taehyung. "You didn't tell her? Hmm, looks like you're more of a coward than I thought, " Yoongi chuckles lightly.

That's all it took to spark your interest. You tried to think about what he could be talking about, but of course, nothing came to mind.

"Tell me what?" You speak up, eyeing them both as you waited for an answer.

"I'm wondering the same thing." Taehyung mumbles.

"You're playing dumb now? Seriously, I'm surprised you haven't told her yet. I mean, I will if you won't,"

"Seriously dude, I don't know what the heck you're talking about." 

"Oh, you don't?" Yoongi says, tilting his head as he raises both of his brows.

"Hello! Someone, please tell me what in the world is going on! Tell me what?" You practically scream out the words.

You were already tired from all of the stupid crap you've been put through from the past couple of days, and you didn't have time to play these guessing games.

"Pretty boy here has been gawking at you for some time now. Probably ever since the beginning of high school, right?" He pauses as he paces in circles while peering his eyes directly at Taehyung.

As those words left his mouth, you felt your entire body light up from the inside. Although you weren't for sure, there was still a glimmer of hope that what he was saying was true. However, instead of saying anything at that moment, you just stare blankly at Taehyung as you wait for his response.

"Yeah, sorry, but I think you have the wrong idea about that. No offense, but I could honestly care less about her."

Ouch, and just like that, the spark was gone. You did find it hard to believe that he had feelings for you, especially for that long since the two of you had hardly spoken to one another until now, but why was he being rude about it?

"Is that so? You seemed to care a lot that day in the cafeteria."

"I thought you guys had cameras? Did you not hear what I said? I thought of everything my mother has been through and that's why I wanted to bash your skull in." He looks away from Yoongi and glances at you, keeping eye contact with a dark look. "Plus, I could never like someone like her anyway."

Someone like her? What was that supposed to mean? Did this have something to do with your fight earlier? Was he that mad at you, or did he just not even care at all as he said?

It's one thing for him to announce that he doesn't have feelings for you, but to make you feel like crap in the process? Why was he trying to hurt you like everyone else? And after everything you told him? You trusted him about everything- but now you were thinking that maybe that was a mistake.

You tried not to cry as his words settled into your mind. You lift your head to the ceiling to keep whatever tears that are forming from sneaking out. Taehyung must have noticed you because, by the time you met his eyes once more, he quickly looked down towards the ground. He probably didn't even feel bad about it.

The sound of Yoongi suddenly pushing the gurney to the center of the room brought you back to your senses.

"Hmm, that's too bad. It seemed like you two had gotten close. Looks like you're more like me than I thought."

"It doesn't matter though; I've made my decision. I'm still making sure that you're gone- for good this time. I've made it this far, and I'm not stopping until I know that I've made your life a living nightmare."

Next thing you know, Yoongi begins walking towards you, quickly unlocking the handcuff that's on one of your wrists.

"Hey what are you-" You're cut off by an abrupt slap to the cheek, leaving a stinging sensation that lingers for a couple of seconds.

"Shut up. You don't want to make this more difficult than it has to be." Yoongi coldly remarks, gripping onto both of your wrists a little too rough.

"Hey! What are you doing to her?" You hear Taehyung shout from across the room, but Yoongi ignores his comment.

"Get off of me!" You try to fight back by pushing him away from you, crossing both arms over your chest so that he can't grab onto your arms.

"When did you get this feisty, huh?" he exclaims in quick, shallow breaths.  "Joon, a little help?"

You manage to catch a glimpse of Mr. Kim standing still in the corner as you keep pushing Yoongi away. From what you could tell, it seemed like he was unsure of what to do. He just continued to stand there and watch with no movement whatsoever.

"Namjoon, did you not freaking hear me? Get your ass over here!"

"But this isn't what we-"

"I said now!" Yoongi shouts, giving him a hateful glare that causes him to finally move.

"No! Please stop!" You cry, struggling to move now that both of them are on you. Although you were putting up a good fight, it wouldn't take much longer before your body would give out and surrender.

Mr. Kim grabs both of your wrists and holds them behind your back, roughly pushing you forward until you're on the gurney.

"Hold her still," Yoongi says as you continue to try and get away by flailing your body around.

He pins both of your arms down, while Yoongi sits on top of your legs to keep them in place. He latches the belt around your waist and then your wrist, making sure that they're secure enough where you can't move.

"Let me go!" You yell as he starts to go for your ankles. You manage to get your leg free from his grip, and you end up kneeing him right where a man never wants to be hit- right in the groin.

Letting out a long, rasping groan, he grabs onto the area while taking deep breaths to regain himself.

"You stupid whore," he snaps, and then his hand is wrapped tightly around your throat, his fingernails digging slightly into your skin. He leans over right next to your ear, and you give him the side eye as you try to control your breathing.

"You're just making this easier for me now." He whispers in your ear before shoving your hand against your throat before releasing.

He gets off of the gurney, taking your arm and placing it by your side before adjusting the belt around your wrist.

"She has to die, " he turns and looks at Taehyung, "and you're gonna be the one to do it." He says as he finishes up with the last belt on your other side.

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